Page 27 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 27


      Macfarlane packaging                                                Ashgate Automation has
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      Innovation Lab                                                      officially been placed in
                                                                          liquidation. Ashgate,
                                                                          which supplied print fin-
                                                                          ishing equipment, had
                                                                          liquidators Simon Lowes
        Protective packaging dis-                 chains including conveyor   and Stephen  Powell
      tributor Macfarlane                         impacts, vertical drops, and   appointed from Begbies
                                                                          Traynor on 6 April 2023.
      Packaging has opened its sec-               last mile logistics.    The firm sold some of its
      ond packaging Innovation                     Also; an atmospheric con-  chattel assets by auction before entering into creditors’ vol-
      Lab at its flagship Northwest               ditioning chamber that pro-  untary liquidation (CVL) in order to realise the most it could
      Regional Distribution Centre                vides precise temperature   for winding up. The company’s remaining assets will be
                                                                          realised by the liquidators. The Oxfordshire-based company
      in  Heywood,  near                          and humidity testing for   was the sole UK supplier of Fastbind products, and one of
      Manchester. According to                    applications such as food or   several for Kasfold. Ashgate, which employed four, stopped
      the Glasgow-headquartered                   pharmaceutical storage and   trading in March 2023. Printweek understands that one of
                                                                          Ashgate’s engineers is in the process of establishing a busi-
      business, the 465sqm cus-                   delivery; full design, digital   ness to service clients’ Kasfold and Fastbind machines.
      tomer facility “is fully                    print, and CAD prototyping   Family-run Ashgate was founded in 1989 by John Price.
      equipped to create solutions   Packaging Innovation Lab             Stora Enso will consolidate
      for the most demanding   Packaging Optimiser soft-  for making same-day packag-  its book paper production
                                                  ing samples; HoloLens mixed
      packaging challenges and   ware, which is designed to               and permanently close one
      fully test them to ensure they   reduce total cost and meas-  reality headset and aug-  of its two paper machines
      can withstand the rigours of   ure the CO2 equivalent   mented reality design tools;   at its Anjala mill in Finland.
                                                                          In a statement, the pack-
      supply chain handling”. The   impact of packaging; stretch   and a packaging automation   aging  and  paper giant
      Innovation Lab builds on the   wrapping and pallet load con-  showroom.   blamed weak  paper
      success of its first facility in   tainment testing; and a net-  Last month Macfarlane   demand and high input
      Milton Keynes, which   work handling simulator   acquired specialist protective   costs for the closure, which
                                                                          will reduce the site’s annual capacity from 435,000tpa to
      opened in 2016.       “that evaluates solutions to   packaging manufacturing   185,000tpa. Equivalent to a loss of ¤100m (£88m) to the
        With an investment of   International Safe Transport  business A.E. Sutton, which   group’s revenues, Stora Enso said it will start change nego-
      £1.3m, the Manchester site   Association standards”, emu- trades as Suttons   tiations concerning all employees at the integrated
      features the bespoke   lating real  world  supply  Performance Packaging.  Anjalankoski site, which includes the Anjala paper unit and
                                                                          the Ingerois board unit.  The closure is set to take place dur-
      Sappi’s mega mill sale is off                                       ing the fourth quarter of 2023 and affect an estimated 110
                                                                          people. The Anjala closure is only the latest action in Stora
                                                                          Enso’s vast restructuring programme
        Sappi’s deal to sell three  plex carve-out” at the time   cess Sappi said that it had   DS Smith’s second Nozomi,
      European mills to Aurelius  and was subject to various   received binding offers from   and its first in the UK, has
                                                                          been installed at its Ely
      Group is off after the transac-  conditions including approv-  “several” parties for the mills.   facility in Cambridgeshire.
      tion failed to complete. The  als from competition and   It’s not clear whether any of   The Nozomi C18000 Plus is
      sale of its Maastricht Mill in  regulatory authorities. Sappi   the alternative offers can be   the same six-colour con-
      the Netherlands, Stockstadt  said that the sale “has not   revived. The enterprise value   figuration as the device
      Mill in Germany and  materialised  within the  of the Aurelius deal had been   installed at DS Smith’s
      Kirkniemi Mill in Finland  agreed timeframe of the con-  approximately  €272m   Lisbon facility at the tail end of 2020.  The deal was
      was announced last  tractual agreement and   (£243m at the time).   announced at last month’s CCE International Corrugated
      September and was due to  therefore the agreement has   Aurelius had expected the   and Carton Exhibition in Munich, and also marked EFI’s
      complete in Q1 2023. The  lapsed”.           mills to deliver sales of more   50th sale of the 1.8m-wide single-pass inkjet.  The Ely site
      deal was described as a “com-  As part of the previous pro-  than €1bn.  produces corrugated display packaging and is also home to
                                                                          an Impact Centre where customers can explore different
      HMRC’s £140m comms tender                                           packaging and supply chain options. DS Smith said that
                                                                          compared to litho-lamination, the Nozomi offered “the
                                                                          most sustainable option with less waste”.
        HMRC has gone live with                    be over the contract period   Preston-based wide signwriter Optimum Signs was the first
      a mega combined input and                    of five years plus a possible   to sign up for PrintIQ’s latest cloud MIS software package,
      output communications ten-                   extension of two years.   Version 46 (V46). The new software, featuring more than 30
      der worth up to £140m that                    This contract will be ena-  new and updated features from July 2022’s V45, focuses
      is likely to result in a reduc-              bled  for  Government   heavily on helping printers automate or speed up their
                                                                          processes. Optimum placed its order on 21 March, the first
      tion of its print output but                                        day of the software’s demonstration at the Sign and Digital
      still encompasses print                      Banking – a shared govern-  UK show in Birmingham, and just days after its launch. Paul
      requirements.                                ment function which pro-  Bromley, PrintIQ’s global sales director, told Printweek that
        The contract went live last   Contract went live last week  vides  critical  banking   he was thrilled with the reaction to the latest version of the
      week and is due to close at   2024 and end on 21 January   services across central gov-  “new kid on the block” MIS. Optimum has produced 3D,
      1pm on 1 June 2023. It will   2031. The maximum con-  ernment and for wider public   interior and digital signage and awnings since its founda-
                                                                          tion in 2009.
      then  start  on  22  January   tract value of £140m would   sector customers – to use.                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA  27
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