Page 30 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 30


      Terminating cyber attacks

                                C                                           the East Coast short of fuel. A few days later, at the start
                                       yber-attacks are in the news again. First seen in
                                                                            of June, the world’s largest meat processor, JBS, was also
                                       1972 when a researcher working in the US on
                                                                            attacked by ransomware and its operations in Australia,
                                       Arpanet, a precursor to the internet, created a
       With more people                computer program called Creeper that could   Canada and the US were halted.
       working from home               move across Arpanet’s network, it left a bread-  While big corporations garner the most column
                                       crumb trail wherever it went which read: ‘I’m
       than ever before, the    the creeper, catch me if you can’.          inches, no business or organisation should think itself
                                                                            immune. And for the world of print, there was the
       threat from malicious     The first UK legislation on the subject came in 1984   attack in March of this year on the MBA Group. The
       hackers has increased    following government action to comply with a Council   company reported that it had been “impacted by a
       exponentially, so how    of Europe Convention. This provided for the free move-  cyberattack, which caused some operational disruption
       do you protect your      ment of personal data between countries that had rati-  to our systems and a small proportion of our client
                                fied the Convention with restrictions potentially being
       business?                placed on the movement of data outside that group. The   work”. The firm’s operations were disrupted for more
       Words by                 government of the day was concerned more about the   than a week as a result of the attack.
                                                                             The problem is acute according to the Cyber Security
       Adam Bernstein           convention’s impact on business than it was privacy.   Breaches Survey 2021 from the Department of Digital,
                                Firms use data for a number of reasons – to market
                                themselves, to comply with obligations or monitor staff.   Culture, Media & Sport. It found that 39% of businesses
                                However, the law places restrictions on corporate activi-  were subjected to a cyberattack or breach in a 12-month
                                ties.                                       period and 21% lost money, data or other assets.
                                 But now the intrusions are more insidious. In May,   Further, the average cost of the cyber security breaches
                                Colonial Pipeline – which operates a pipeline that car-  these businesses experienced was estimated to be
                                ries around 3 million barrels of fuel a day between Texas   £8,460. For medium and large firms combined, the
                                and New York – was the subject of a ransomware cyber-  average cost was higher, at £13,400.
                                attack that shut its systems down for five days leaving   So, what is a cyberattack? According to Dai Davis,

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