Page 31 - PWM2023_MAY
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      solicitor, chartered engineer and part-  “some operate in a more random fashion” as they look to prove   Davis, on the other hand, would cre-
      ner at Percy Crow Davis & Co, the   their skills or develop tools in order to raise their profile within   ate a budget and appoint someone at
      Wikipedia definition, of “any attempt   the hacking communities.                 board level to maximise its use. He
      to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal   For the criminally minded, making money is always the goal   would bring in an independent consult-
      or gain information through unauthor-  and they attack anything where it pays them to do so. “They   ant to consider where the budget
      ized access to or make unauthorised   may,” says Davis, “adopt a scattergun approach, sending out mil-  should be spent. He also cautions
      use of an asset… that is a computer   lions of scam emails in the expectation that only a few people   against placing too much reliance on
      information system, computer infra-  will fall for the scam, alternatively they may target a particular   specific security products, “many of
      structure, computer network, or per-  ‘rich’ target but in a more subtle, considered manner.”  which are good, but which solve only
                                        Of course, at the extreme, states such as China, Russia and
      sonal computer device,” is one that he   North Korea attack companies to steal technology.  the security issue that the particular
      agrees with.                      Worryingly, as Isbell points out, Covid-19 has altered the land-  vendor advertises”.
        He says that it “matches the broad   scape somewhat because “we now have a more distributed busi-  Staff training is something else to
      definition of an offence under section 1   ness model with employees working from home, often on   consider. While it’s not foolproof, the
      of the Computer Misuse Act 1990   shared networks with only limited security implemented”. He   more staff training, the lower the prob-
      which criminalises any action that   has seen a significant increase in attacks directed at organisa-  ability that a staff member will intro-
      ‘causes a computer to perform any   tions directly involved in dealing with the pandemic or involved   duce harm to the business.
      function with intent to secure access to   in vaccine research.                    But as Davis warns: “Training needs
      any program or data held in any com-  Making a similar point, Davis has found that any newsworthy   to be regular. There is little point in
      puter where that access is unauthor-  topic may be used to persuade a staff member or individual to   only training during induction week
      ised’.”                         click on a link that will take them to a compromised website. “In   and then not following that training up
        Roy Isbell, a cyber security specialist   that sense, the pandemic is no different and has given malicious   with regular reminders… staff may be
      and advisor to the UK Forensic Science   actors opportunity to create appealing false links, for example,   sent a malicious email containing a
                                      with offers of having an early vaccination.”
      Regulator, agrees with Davis. He   No system is perfect. But Davis knows “that the amount of   spurious link at any time.”
                                                                                         Isbell too values training. He says:
      defines a cyberattack as “fundamentally   effort it takes to breach a system is proportional to the amount of   “The most efficient and well under-
 Terminating cyber attacks  particular system with the intention of   effort taken to secure the site in the first place”. He cites one of   stood security environments I have wit-
      the interaction of a threat actor with a
                                      the first ever recorded security breaches where a website could
                                                                                       nessed are where the company has
      achieving a particular outcome”.
                                      be hacked by clicking on a certain part of the web page in a pub-
        Of course, how the attack manifests
                                      tomers’ details.
                                                                                       the culture of the organisation.
      itself is dependent upon the outcome   lic part of the site with the mouse. Doing so revealed other cus-  worked to develop security as part of
      that the threat actor is hoping to   Moving on, Isbell talks of a process developed by Lockheed   A combination of carrot and stick is
      achieve, the level and type of access   Martin that maps the stages of a cyberattack. Called the ‘Cyber   used to great effect without defaulting
      that they have been able to create, and   Kill Chain’, he says that the steps involve reconnaissance, weap-  to a punitive strategy on what happens
      the skills and tools available to the   onisation, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and   should a breach occur.”
                                      control, and ‘actions on object’.
      threat actor.                     “Each step,” says Isbell, “is required for the subsequent step to   And then there’s the option of plac-
        Nevertheless, he’s aware that many   have a chance of being successful. Therefore, a security breach is   ing a warning on every email which a
      believe that ‘cyber’ is just an alternative   not a single event or tool, though it often appears this way, but a   staff member receives warning them if
      word for the internet and devices that   combination of knowledge, skills and intelligence used in   an email has come from an external
      are connected to it. While this may be   sequence to achieve the effect or outcome the threat actor wants   source and that it may be malicious. On
      true, he says “that this is not the whole   to achieve.”                         this Davis thinks warnings are unlikely
      scope of what the cyber environment   For him, the only way to achieve 100% security is for a system   to be of much assistance – “it is likely to
      covers”.                        to not be connected to any form of external communications.   be ignored as the staff member is anx-
        Davis recalls an old information tech-  He emphasises that cyber security is about managing risk: “This   ious to read the email not the header,
      nology saying: “There are two types of   requires that we spend time evaluating and understanding the   let alone the repeat warning in the
      business: those who know they have   cyber environment and what it is we need to protect; it is not   header”.
      been breached, and those who don’t yet   always the data that requires protection, but the systems them-  Crucially, Isbell recommends includ-
      know.” But as to where the threats orig-                                         ing cyber security breaches as part of
      inate, Davis says that some are per-  Countering threats                         business continuity disaster recovery
      formed by ‘script kiddies’ “who try and                                          planning: “Whilst some firms have
                                        As both Isbell and Davis detail, there is no easy way to counter
      hack into a system for fun. They are   cyber threats.                            been unable to continue after a cyberat-
      mostly out to hack well-known sites, or   Apart from a company’s own systems, Isbell would also look at   tack, those that have had a robust inci-
      ones that will give them some ‘pres-  the supply chain, “especially where industrial processes may   dent response plan have not only been
      tige’”. He adds that non-monetary sites   share data between firms”. For him, having a strategy is key, and   able to recover but recovered faster and
      include those that attract opposition,   for that to work “an understanding of the firm’s cyber ecosystem   as a consequence, minimised the over-
      such as the sites of political parties.  is essential... and not just focused on the data that resides on the   all impact on the business and its opera-
        Isbell takes a similar line but has seen   various IT systems it may have”.    tions.”                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA   31
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