Page 33 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 33


      Star product
      Fastbind Casematic a46a

      A do-it-all semi-automatic casemaking system, says Barney Cox

                                                                                     How fast is it?
                                                                                       Quoted speed is 120 books per hour,
                                                                                     which is a third faster than other
                                                                                     Casematic machines. Price says that the
                                                                                     new features make it more like 50%
                                                                                     faster in the real world.
                                                                                     What is the USP of the product?
                                                                                       “Its USP is the ability to handle every-
                                                                                     thing, from one-offs to medium-length
                                                                                     runs, and to realistically only need to
                                                                                     print one copy rather than three to get
                                                                                     one book out,” he says.
                                                                                       “For some customers the deciding fac-
                                                                                     tor in an investment is not the level of
                                                                                     automation it’s the physical size.”

                                                                                     How easy is it to use?
                                                                                       “You should be able to make a book
                                                                                     first time. Spine width is set by the user
      What does it do?                 Specifications  between processes.            putting the spine into a caliper. Aside
        Fastbind’s Casematic a46a is the latest   Case size From CD   Users start by taking the case cover and   from that everything else is determined
                                                                                     by the size of the book itself.
      version of the Finnish finishing equip-  cover up to   registering it on the table, then a guide is
      ment manufacturer’s semi-automatic   1,040x490mm   used to apply the greyboards for the cov-  “The response we’ve had from all the
      hardcover casemaking machine. It is             ers and spines. A guillotine on the side is   demos is that this is an operator’s
      designed to simplify the process of mak-  Speed 120 cases per   used to cut the corners of the cover and   machine.”
      ing hard covers over greyboard.  hour           then the cover is turned over using a
                                                      guide on the front of the machine.  What training and support is on
      When was it launched and what    Price £9,995    Fastbind sells  self-adhesive  cover  offer?
      markets is it aimed at?                         papers suitable for printing with toner or   “Operator training is key to getting the
        Launched last summer, the a46a got its        inkjet but it is also possible to use other   most of out the machine and we are
      first showing at last year’s Print Show,        bindings including paper, cloth and   happy to go back and provide further
      with the first orders about to be deliv-        leather by using a separate gluer to apply   training if needed. It would be crazy to
      ered.                                           adhesive.                      install a machine and not show the users
        “The main markets are reprographics           How does it differ from previous   how to operate it.”
      departments and commercial printers
      but they go into a wide range of users          models?                        How much does it cost?
      from self publishers up to corporations,”        The a46a comes complete with stand,   Price of the unit is £9,950, which
      says Lewis Price, managing director of          two movable side tables and a shelf,   includes training and installation. The
      UK agent Ashgate Automation. “The               whereas previous units were tabletop
      market is anyone who wants on demand            devices. It features an adjustable light   price is a step up of around £4,000 from
      book binding from one up to a couple of         table to aid positioning the cover, the   the rest of the Casematic range.
      hundred copies.”                                clamp that holds the cover automatically   “It’s a bigger investment, but it is a
                                                      engages and disengages and there is a   more intuitive machine that is suitable
      How does it work?                               vacuum to hold materials in place and an   for everything from one-off jobs to inter-
        A series of guides and tools ensure that      airbed to ease moving jobs around.   mediate volumes.”
      each stage of the process is accurate and       Lastly, edge turning now uses a mechani-  However, he argues that the price is
      consistent, with the operator carrying          cal clamp, and its operation is indicated   still a third of more automated machines
      out the actions and moving the case             by LED illumination.           with a similar throughput.
                  “Its USP is the ability to handle everything, from one-offs to medium-length runs.”                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA 33
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