Page 29 - PWM2023_MAY
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                                                              wrong then they are right. It’s what   clear and very logical – “always make
                                                              they believe”. For him, the issue is   sure you are in credit with a client
                                                              whether a customer is being unrea-  with promises, and service and so
                                                              sonable and “if they are, then you are   when you are the one needing flexi-
                                                              entitled to reason with them”.
                                                               Overall, though, Coxon says that   bility you have deposits that you can
                                                              while Pensord has done well because   draw down on”.
                                                              it has streamlined many client pro-  Part of this means good communi-
                                                              cesses and methods, it sometimes   cation and in today’s ‘always on’
                                                              has to adapt and then let the relation-  world, he’s says that this is especially
                                                              ship evolve through good client man-  important. He takes the line that
                                                              agement and communication.  while “from a day-to-day perspective

                                                              The impact of coronavirus  it is still expected that account man-
                                                                                         agers are only contactable between
                                                               Firms, do (or should do) plan to   certain hours, business owners and
                                                              the nth degree, but situations can
                                                              come along and derail ordinarily   directors should always be contacta-
                                                              good processes. Covid-19 is one such   ble 24/7 so that really important
                                                              example and some have used it as a   issues can be handled”.
                                                              shield to hide deficiencies. In fact,   Neal wouldn’t disagree. He also
                                                              Causon says that, according to the   recognises that customers need to be
                                                              institute’s Index, almost a quarter of   able to contact key people in a busi-
                                                              customers believe some organisa-
                                                              tions have abused Covid to their own   ness when they need to. “That
                                                              benefit. She adds: “Customers have   doesn’t mean,” he says, “that they
                                                              been understanding up to a point,   will contact you out-of-hours, but
                                                              but many are starting to view the   they do need to know it is possible.
                                                              Covid as an excuse for poor service,   This is all down to relationship and
                                                              rather than a legitimate reason for   effective communication.” He says
                                                              delays, staff shortages and the like.”  that being a 24-hour manufacturer
                                                               In Causon’s mind, “good, proac-  “we have agreed communication
                                                              tive communication is important,
                                                              and so is treating staff and supplier   channels internally and so we are
                                                              partners well to drive greater engage-  comfortable offering this level of ser-
                                                              ment and commitment”. Experience   vice”.
      customer satisfaction for their sector versus 14.5% for those with lower than   has taught her that those that live by   And as for the Institute, Causon
      sector-average customer satisfaction.                   this philosophy – “and have done the   notes while there has been a sizeable
                                                              right thing more broadly through the
      Knowing the faults                                                                 shift to digital in many strands of life
                                                              challenges of the pandemic will have   and across all different age demo-
       Man is fallible and so for firms to thrive means garnering an understand-  built trust that should result in addi-  graphics, she thinks that firms could
      ing that they and their staff are imperfect. On this Coxon believes that   tional loyalty and goodwill when it’s
      Pensord has its priorities right. He says that “we look to add value even if it   really needed”.  do more and maybe deploy more
      means taking the conversation way beyond our core activities. We want to   It is clear that Covid has affected   technology. That said, she says that
      make us easy to do business with and take away pain points – it’s key to a   print – but not equally. When asked   it’s important that they “get the tech-
      good strong relationship”.                              of the impacts of Covid on his busi-  nology right, make the transactional
       In fact, Coxon seems to delight in using problems as an opportunity to   ness, Neal responded with just one   aspects efficient and frictionless, and
      keep customers happy: “We understand that problems occur and... often   word – that there have been “none”.   enable self-service if the customer
      how you respond is how you are measured ethically.” He adds that he firmly   Pensord, on the other hand, as Coxon
      believes companies get what they deserve in terms of customers – “we have   tells, has seen Covid lead “to reduced   wants it”.  One option she refers to is
      great customers who act and think like we do”.          staffing at times and often short   the deployment of chatbots “which
       Pragmatically, Neal considers that customers are the lifeblood of any busi-  notice and an affected supply chain   are increasing in sophistication as
      ness and explains what he means: “We could be the best or fastest printer in   and short notice disruption in manu-  there is definitely a part for AI to play
      history, but without clients we would not exist. We are a service business.   facturing. We’ve always had pride in   here”. Nevertheless, she says that the
      We just happen to serve ‘print’ – and hopefully very well. We exist to serve.”   never going late but recently had to   basics are still important, and firms
      It’s quite telling that Neal says that he would say the same if he owned a res-  manage significant lateness due to   should make it easy to contact a real
      taurant or a taxi service because “people really remember a good or bad cus-  Covid impacts.” But this is where
      tomer experience”.                                      Pensord’s previous good character   human,  remembering that it is
       But are customers always right? Coxon thinks so, and states that he’s   has come to the company’s aid as “it   important that the customer has the
      never had a problem with a client thinking they are right or that he is wrong.   is where the emotional bank account   option of choosing to speak to some-
      On the contrary, he says that “if a customer believes he is right, and we are   comes in”. Coxon’s advice is very   one.                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA 29
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