Page 26 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 26

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    Texo Trade Services at

       Swanline  Group has
       increased its gluing and
       taping capacity after taking
       delivery of a Lamina 2200                   FESPA 2023
       GL Gluer. The machine,
       which has tape applicators
       and feeder options, was
       installed at the Stone,                      Texo  Trade  Services                      at trade shows or festivals.
       S t af f or ds hir e-                       (TTS) will be demonstrating                  TTS will store these and
       headquartered business                      its green credentials at Fespa              offer them as one large recy-
       earlier this month, and supplied by Lamina’s UK and Irish   Global Print Expo in Munich   cling batch to its partner
       sales agent, Neil Thayer of Finishline Machinery. Swanline
       chose the Lamina following an onsite demo, after finding it   next month, including a new   Frankenhuis, a recycling
       offered the best value of the options it considered. The   textile recycling service and   company that specialises in
       machine’s twin operator system allows two jobs to be run   several new green products.   sustainable textile process-
       simultaneously, meaning left and right feeding can be glue/  The Dutch print media and   Texo Trade Services at FESPA  ing. Frankenhuis then recy-
       glue, tape/tape or glue/tape, size permitting. The gluing
       element applies straight-line glue beads, making it suitable   textiles manufacturer and   itate logistics and offer all its   cles these textiles as
       for simple boxes and display work. The blanks are hand fed   distributor said that with   furniture padding. TTS said
       with glue being applied automatically, then folded over and   increasing demand for both   soft signage customers the   the service gives a long sec-
       pressed, making a finished box.             sustainable products and   opportunity  to have used   ond life to textiles that are
       Transcend Packaging has                     calls for corporate social   sublimation printed textiles   usually only used for a few
       secured a $10m (£8m)                        responsibility, it is commit-  collected and recycled. This   days.
       investment from Japanese                    ted to innovation in this   includes flags, silicone edge   TTS will exhibit on stand
       moulded fibre pioneer                       area.                 graphics, banners, and tex-  C51 in hall B1 at Fespa, tak-
       Itochu. The deal, which
       Transcend called “the cor-                   With the textile recycling   tile remnants that are used   ing place at Messe Munich
       nerstone” of its latest                     service, TTS said it will facil-  for short periods, including   from 23-26 May.
       funding round, will see the
       Welsh manufacturer ramp
       up its expansion plans in                   Retailers call for EPR rethink
       the UK, Europe, Asia and North America.Transcend, which
       specialises in food-safe moulded fibre packaging for the   Major retailers have called   and laid out six reforms it   goals. Unfortunately, there is
       retail and catering industries, currently has installed capac-                          little confidence in Defra’s
       ity to produce several billion straws per year, and will be   on  the  government to   believes are necessary “to
       investing to ramp up its capacity for straws, lids, and other   rethink the Extended   create a waste management   current proposals for EPR,”
       moulded fibre products. The firm said the new funding   Producer Responsibility   system that is fit for the   the BRC stated. Retailers
       round would also see it put a “significant focus” on research   (EPR) packaging waste   future”.  want EPR funds to be ring-
       and development. Investor Itochu, one of Japan’s largest
       diversified trading companies, known as sogo shosha, has   scheme, describing the cur-  “Major retailers are calling  fenced to stop local councils
       turnover of around $100bn. Transcend prints in-house with   rent plans as “fundamentally   on Government to fix the   potentially diverting money
       an HP Indigo 30000 and a KBA litho press, and uses Bobst   flawed” and lacking ambi-  policy. At a cost of at least   away from recycling to other
       cutter-creasers.                            tion. EPR is due to come into  £1.7bn per year, businesses   budget streams.The BRC also
       DS Smith has revealed that                  force in April 2024.  want a world class new EPR   called for co-ordination with
       it will be investing ¤145m                   Industry association the   scheme that significantly   other  waste  management
       (£128m) in an upgrade pro-                  British Retail Consortium  increases the use of recycled   reforms, and said that EPR
       gramme for its kraft paper                  (BRC) said an urgent govern-  materials in new packaging   only made sense if done
       mill near Viana, Portugal.                  ment rethink was required   as they try to meet their   alongside improvements to
       The  investment,  to  be
       made over a number of                       regarding the current plans,   ambitious  sustainability   household waste collection.
       years, will see the mill’s
       upgrading the plant from an annual capacity of 400,000  Historic Deanprint shuttered
       paper machine rebuilt and a recovery boiler installed,
       tonnes to 428,000. Bought from OEM Valmet, the new recov-  It looks like it’s the end of   Administrators (NOI) was
       ery boiler will boost steam efficiency at the mill by 25%, and
       allow steam to be recycled back into the mill from the boiler.   the line for the historic   filed for Deanprint, which
       The boiler is expected to come online in early 2025. The new   Deanprint business after   protected the business from
       boiler will support the rebuilding of PM4, the mill’s paper   potential interest in the com-  action by creditors during
       machine to increase in both speed and capacity.   pany failed to result in a sale.      the process. The firm had
       CPI Group has teamed with ClimateCalc as the book printing   Deanprint was originally   previously employed around
       specialist steps up emissions tracking and client reporting   established in 1890. The   It was established in 1890  39 staff, according to its 2022
       across its operations. The group engaged consultants Ecograf   business was acquired by   connected companies enter-  accounts.
       before deciding to use the ClimateCalc tool to track, measure   Manchester Printers Group   ing insolvency – resulted in   However, despite employ-
       and certify its Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, “with the   in July last year and was relo-  ees being told of 22 potential
       aim of identifying a path to Scope 3 GHG reduction”.              Deanprint being put up for
       ClimateCalc is a joint initiative of industry associations across   cated to a new site on the   sale with KBL Advisory in  expressions of interest in the
       Europe that come under the Intergraf umbrella, including   Lawnhurst Trading Estate.   Sale handling the process.   company, Printweek under-
       the BPIF in the UK. Scope 1 and 2 emissions are already   However, recent issues at the   Earlier this month, a Notice   stands that none material-
       tracked across CPI’s 16 production sites across Europe.   parent group – with multiple   of Intention to Appoint   ised in a conclusive deal.

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