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      Sato launches smart label                                                                Labelexpo
                                                                                               Europe 2023
      printer for healthcare                                                                   of the Labelexpo Global
                                                                                                Tarsus Group, organizer

                                                                                               Series, has announced the
                                                                                               opening of registration for
        Sato has launched CT4-                                           other media (such as USB   Labelexpo Europe 2023.
      LX-HC, a dedicated smart 4                                         flash drives).        The show takes place
      inches label printer for the                                        The label waste preven-  between 11-14 September at
      healthcare sector. The                                             tion function lets the user   Brussels Expo. This will be
      printer was launched today                                         print from the first label   the first Labelexpo show in
      in Europe. The CT4-LX-HC                                           onwards. Optional accesso-  Europe since 2019. Along
      desktop printer features an                                        ries such as a guillotine cut-  with demonstrations of the
      antimicrobial casing that                                          ter and a real-time clock are   latest printing and convert-
      can be wiped down with                                             available. And the CT4-  ing equipment will be mas-
      disinfectant wipes.                                                LX-HC comes with 31 dis-  terclasses and special
                                                                                               e v e n ts  f o c u s e d  o n
        It expedites patient work-                                       play languages and 47 print   Automation and Flexible
                                                                         languages, as well as five
      flows with its one-touch   CT4-LX-HC is a dedicated smart 4 inches label printer   onboard printer emula-  Packaging. Tickets to the
      media profile recall func-                                         tions. It has onboard print-  show cost Euro 95, with an
      tion and fast print speeds of   inch color touchscreen. It   N F C ,  R e a l - T i m e  ing intelligence and Sato   early registration rate of
      up to 8 inches per second.   also comes with onboard   communication(RTC) and   Application-Enabled   Euro 75 until 25th August at
      The onboard intelligence   guidance videos as stand-  RS-232. The CT4-LX-HC   Printing feature. The   18.00 CET.
      from     Sato   AEP   ard, all of which are easily   offers compact dimensions   printer screen customiza-  New equipment to be
      (Application-Enabled   accessible in the event of an  and recessed rear ports. Its   tion application displays   seen at Labelexpo Europe
      Printing), autonomously   error. Multiple interfaces   top cover opens extra wide   relevant information on   includes the world pre-
      verifies labels against the   make it possible to connect   to facilitate label and ribbon   screen, including IP address   miere of HP Indigo 200K
      printer’s database before   to wide-ranging devices via   loading, while the rear  settings and details of all   press, Xeikon CX500t Titon
      printing. It comes with 4.3-  LAN, USB, Bluetooth,   cover makes loading of   consumables used.  toner press, etc.
      Avery Dennison launches AD                                         Bostik’s wash-off

      XeroLinr linerless label                                           label adhesive

        Avery Dennison Label and                                          Bostik, the adhesive divi-
      Packaging Materials EMENA                                          sion of Arkema, has launched
      has launched AD XeroLinr, a                                        Flexcryl  ClearCycle  1000
      new FSC-certified and phe-                                         adhesive reportedly indus-
                                                                         try’s first all-temperature,
      nol-free direct thermal (DT)
      linerless label that drives pro-                                   wash-off label adhesive. The
                                                                         Association of Plastic
      ductivity, reduces waste and                                       Recyclers  (APR) formally
      advances sustainability.                                           recognizes Flexcryl
      According to the company,                                          ClearCycle 1000 adhesive   Flexcryl ClearCycle 1000
      50 percent of a conventional                                       with all-temperature, wash-
      labels’release  liner  and   The new label improves productivity and reduces waste   off technology as meeting or   unmet needs for PET bottle
      matrix immediately become   Vincenzo Palumbo, prod-  ability.’     exceeding the most strict   label applications, which is a
      waste material upon applica-  uct solutions manager, Avery   Alena Maran, director of   Critical Guidance Criteria for   fast-growing bottle material
      tion. To meet this challenge   Dennison, said: ‘AD   marketing strategy and sus-  its compatibility with PET   preference due to its ability
      Avery Dennison has devel-  XeroLinr DT offers up to 60   tainability, Avery Dennison,   bottle label recycling and its   to increase design options
      oped AD XeroLinr DT, a new  percent more labels per roll   said: ‘Using the new Avery   benefit to recycling streams.    and support sustainability
                                                                          The Flexcryl product fam-
      sustainable, linerless alterna-  and fewer roll changes, pro-  Dennison Carbon Trust Tool,   ily is comprised of emulsion   initiatives. With ClearCycle
      tive for variable information   viding customers with   we’ve been able to measure   acrylic adhesives typically   1000 adhesive, converters
      (VI) labels, especially rele-  greater productivity.   the savings in carbon and   used in label applications. As   can now use wash-off labels
      vant for  today’s  booming   Importantly, due to using less   water that can be made with   part of that family,   for cold-fill or freezer grade
                            resources and less transpor-
      logistics and e-commerce   tation, it has a substantially  AD XeroLinr DT. The results   ClearCycle 1000 adhesive is   applications that require
      industries where the volume   lower carbon footprint. In   are clear using AD XeroLinr   derived from a water-based,   adhesion at 40 degrees
      of parcels being shipped   this way, we’re reducing   DT significantly reduces   acrylic technology to help   Fahrenheit/4.4 degrees
      increases every day.   waste and advancing sustain-  environmental impact.’  converters address key   Celsius or lower.
      20 PrintWeek MENA May 2023                                                        
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