Page 29 - PWM2023_January
P. 29


          Star product
          Scodix Ultra 6000

          This B1 digital packaging embellishment press can deliver a wide range of finishing effects, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                          built by TS Converting Equipment in the
                                                                                          UK. This works by heating the cured pol-
                                                                                          ymer to make it tacky so it accepts the
                                                                                          foil. Up to four different foil rolls can be
                                                                                          applied side by side.

                                                                                           What’s the USP?
                                                                                           Nixon stresses productivity compared
                                                                                          with conventional embossing, foiling and
                                                                                          other embellishments. “Digital can’t do
                                                                                          everything, but it does a high proportion
                                                                                          of what makes sense,” he says. It’s the
                                                                                          value-added that makes it most attrac-
                                                                                          tive, he says. “For every pound you get for
                                                                                          plain print, you could get £1.50 with
                                                                                          Scodix embellishment.”
                                                                                           The four polymers and some of the
                                                                                          eight effects are unique to Scodix, com-
            What does it do?                              and embossing is already widely used.   pared with its main digital embellish-
                                           Specifications   According to Mark Nixon, vice presi-
            This is a B1-format sheetfed digital                                          ment competitor, the MGI JetVarnish
           embellishment system that sits at the top   Process Piezo inkjet   dent of global sales and marketing, the   range. “Analogue is my competitor, not
           of Scodix’s range. It can print high gloss,   with UV-LED cured   attraction to packaging converters isn’t
           with raised and/or textured effects simi-  clear polymer and   just because it is digital, but because it is   MGI,” says Nixon. “There’s room for
           lar to embossing, with optional over-foil-  inline foiling  more economical. “Changing conven-  both of us in the market.”
           ing.                                           tional foiling for packaging jobs is pain-  How easy is it to use?
            In total Scodix reckons that the Ultra   Resolution   ful,  especially  with  metal  dies  and
           6000 has up to nine functions, most of   2,540x450dpi  makeready, etc,” he says.   “If you can feed a press and are com-
           them special effects. The standard six are       How does it work?             puter proficient, that’s all you need,” says
           foiling; ‘sense’ (raised and textured fin-  Media types Coated/                Nixon. He says that it’s getting harder to
           ish); spot gloss; metallic (over soft-touch   uncoated paper,   The Scodix Ultra 6000 is a purpose-  find people proficient in working with
                                           plastics, laminate
           laminate film); and glitter (another foil-     built inkjet embellishment printer that
           ing effect). The options are Braille; crys-  Surface compatibility   uses an optically clear polymer cured by   conventional dies for embossing and foil-
           tal (creating facetted gem-like shapes);   Offset, HP Indigo   UV-LED. This can be built up in multiple   ing. “We offer three days’ training and
           and cast & cure (a holographic/diffrac-  ElectroInk, inkjet,   layers to give raised 3D effects. The poly-  follow up a couple of months later.”
           tion effect). The final option is variable   lamination, toner  mer clarity means that lens-like dome or
           data support.                                  cast & cure diffraction effects are possi-  Sales and support
                                           Max sheet size   ble.
            When was it launched and what mar-  760x1,060mm  Up to 250 micron heights are possible,   Nixon says that the 6000 has seen 50%
           kets is it aimed at?                           although Nixon says that 40-50 microns   of all recent Ultra sales. “We’ve installed
                                           Sheet weight range                             12 in the last two quarters.” So far there is
            The B1 Ultra 6000 was introduced in           suit most work and don’t need special
           October 2020 alongside five B2 models   135-765gsm (up to   handing at the finishing stages. Variable   just one in the UK, with the user remain-
                                           2mm thickness)
           that are market-specific variations of the     heights and textures can be created from   ing anonymous.
           original 2015 Ultra 101/102, addressing   Max print area   greyscale ‘height maps’ in the artwork file   Friedheim sells and supports the
           commercial print, e-commerce web-to-  700x1,000mm  – Scodix provides pre-set texture files for   Scodix range in the UK. So far it has sup-
           print and packaging (including web-to-         Photoshop.
           pack).  The  6000  is  intended  for             Sheets are fed into the machine from a   plied seven of Ultras including the lone
           commercial packaging work, where con-          pallet, delivering to a stacker. As stand-  6000. Nixon says that 398 Ultras have
           ventional metal die-stamp based foiling        ard there is an inline cold foiling unit,   been sold worldwide since 2015.
                  “Scodix reckons that the Ultra 6000 has up to nine functions, most of them special effects.”

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