Page 24 - PWM2023_January
P. 24


           Buying with


           In the second part of our focus on MBOs, we look at
           the buyer’s perspective and assess the advantages
           and pitfalls of buying the business you are working
           in, by Adam Bernstein

                    uying a company via a   ferent and so the structure of the
                    management buyout –   acquisition will depend upon the
                    an MBO – seems like a   business being acquired. As Jackson
                    match made in heaven.   outlines, if it comprises a self-con-
                    A seller wants, for   tained business within one company
           B whatever reason, to      then the acquisition of the company’s
           move on while a buyer ensconced in   shares would be the most likely
           the business seeks to buy something   route. However, she says that “if the
           that they are familiar with.  business is part of a larger business it
            But of course, as with anything in   may be necessary to acquire just the
           business, an MBO is much more   assets and liabilities of that particular
           than that and requires consideration   business; a share acquisition has the
           of myriad issues.          certainty of acquiring all the business
            In the last issue we examined   and assets, but the company’s sepa-
           MBOs from the seller’s perspective.   rate legal personality means that the
           Now we look at what buyers need to   buyer has no control over what is
           know.                      obtained as all the assets and liabili-
                                      ties – warts and all – will be   and the skeletons that may be hiding in cupboards.
            Structure matters         acquired”.
            For Debbie Jackson, a partner in   A better solution, reckons Jackson,   Due diligence is essential
           the corporate group of Walker   is “an asset purchase where the buyer   Due diligence is a term often used since it is an essential part of the MBO
           Morris, an MBO – the acquisition by   acquires select assets and assumes   process – in spite of what a management team may know of their business.
           a company’s management team of   responsibility for only certain liabili-  And Jackson details its importance. “MBOs,” she says, “need to be
           the business they manage – is often   ties, leaving behind any unwanted   funded, often through a combination of management’s own resources,
           about dealing with practicalities.  liabilities”. She adds that while an   third-party debt and equity funding from private equity investors and debt
            That aside, she says that MBOs   asset purchase seems ‘cleaner’ for   providers. External funders need to gain a complete picture of the business
           offer all forms of owner, including   buyers, “they need to ensure they get   and its critical success factors, strengths and weaknesses – this makes due
           owner-managed businesses and large   all the business and assets they need   diligence essential to underpin the price being paid and to ensure that the
           corporates, “a form of exit that leaves   to continue the business going for-  right contractual protection is obtained.”
           the business in the hands of those   ward”.                To pass due diligence, solid preparation is key in Jackson’s opinion. It
           who, by reason of already managing   However, asset purchases can be   should seek to address any issues in advance to avoid last-minute surprises
           the business, are often best equipped   more complex if the nature of the   and ultimately minimise the risk of value reduction that will affect the sell-
           to help the company grow and suc-  business means certain licences or   er’s pay-out and what funder’s will back.
           ceed financially”. For the manage-  permits must be transferred, or new   But this leads to a particular challenge that Jackson identifies – the
           ment team she says “an MBO brings   ones obtained, for the business to   thorny issue of due diligence and the extent to which a business is prepared
           control and reward along with more   continue. But on the flipside, Jackson   to allow access to the books. She notes that many disposal processes
           responsibility and risk associated   sees those running the acquisition   include ‘vendor-initiated due diligence’ where independent accountants
           with becoming owners compared to   having first-hand knowledge of the   prepare a report that will be relied on by the buyer. However, she warns
           being employees”.          business so are best placed to under-  that “this process also gives the seller and their advisers the chance to flag
            Naturally every MBO will be dif-  stand what assets the business needs   up potential issues and when businesses are not properly prepared for sale,

           24 PrintWeek MENA January 2023                                                   
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