Page 25 - PWM2023_January
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                                                                  reality – that “the buyer is buying a   vision of the future with projections
                                                                  business at a price that is right for the   that demonstrate the business will be
                                                                  seller but leaving enough in it for the   sustainable going forward,” says
                                                                  buyer to turn a profit and sell it on”.
                                                                   Good advisers and backers  Philbrick.
                                                                   It’s very easy for a management   He says: “There needs to be clear
                                                                  team, caught up with the process, to   direction on how they wish to take
                                                                  fail to have their own advisers in   the business forward, including fore-
                                                                  place; they can, as a result, not   casts that show viability; variables
                                                                  receive the advice they need to
                                                                  ensure their stake in the buyer and   have been considered and there is an
                                                                  their future package and incentives   element of flex to the plan.
                                                                  are right for them.          “Also, very importantly, a clear
                                                                   It’s for this reason that Jackson,   narrative that paints the picture
                                                                  naturally, says that “engaging a spe-  behind the numbers and tells a
                                                                  cialist adviser early in the process will
                                                                  enable a buying management team to   story.” The MBO tem don’t necessar-
                                                                  take advantage of any tax planning   ily need to have every detail nailed
                                                                  opportunities and can add value and   down, however. Philbrick adds:
                                                                  avoid potential pitfalls”. She contin-  “Often, it’s not just about the num-
                                                                  ues: “A good adviser should be able to   bers, but also people’s goals for the
                                                                  guide a management team through
                                                                  the process whilst giving insight into   future.”
                                                                  the current market trends.”   Lance Hill, managing director,
                                                                   But while the buying team needs   says that Eight Days a Week Print
                                                                  people with experience and expertise   Solutions (EDWPS) was the second
                                                                  in MBOs to identify potential road-  time he had been involved in an
                                                                  blocks before they are hit, Jackson
                                                                  also says that “they need people they   acquisition, the first one being a
                                                                  can work with, someone who they   VIMBO (vendor-initiated manage-
                                                                  can truly relate to and get along   ment buyout) of the 4DM Group in
                                                                  with... someone who can keep team   2007 “which was considerably more
                                                                  spirits up to help alleviate the stress   complex, and took a lot longer to get
                                                                  of the deal”.
                                                                   Lastly, there is the requirement to   over the line”.
          deals can go awry very quickly”.                        choose the right funder, particularly
            As to how due diligence should be conducted, Jackson says that it requires   where the MBO is private equity   In summary
          extensive investigations into all aspects of the business with the manage-  backed and the funder wants to be   An MBO involving a change of
          ment team verifying its financial standing, the tax, legal, commercial, and   involved in the ongoing business.   ownership needs to be managed
          insurance position as well as other specific areas of the business depending   On this Jackson says that the man-  externally as well as internally as it
          on the nature of the firm. For Jackson this presents a number of challenges   agement team will need to be satis-  can bring uncertainty to employees,
                                                                  fied with the track record of the
          for the management team that includes “being able to focus on keeping the   funder and how successful they’ve   customers, suppliers and other stake-
          business moving forward – it is very important they do not get distracted   been in investing in other businesses   holders which needs to be sensitively
          and forget about the day to day running of the business and allow it to   in the sector. She says that the invest-  managed.
          decline”.                                               ment strategy of the funder for the
            In terms of timescales, these will be driven “by the parties involved and   business must be assessed and sug-  Jackson believes that successful
          their willingness to agree on a deal,” according to Paul Philbrick, managing   gests asking a number of questions:   MBOs not only complete due dili-
          director of Close Brothers Asset Finance’s Print division.  “Are they able to support the value   gence and other associated pro-
            “It’s important to assess and identify the steps required to complete and   creation strategy of the business   cesses, but they also in the closing
          attributing realistic timescales to each. Then both parties can agree to a tar-  through, say, acquisition targets or   stages of a deal carefully think about
          get completion date,” he adds.                          organic growth and expansion? Is the   the communication strategy and its
                                                                  funder’s investment team the ‘right
            Avoiding conflicts of interest                        fit’ – have they got the right capabili-  implementation. “Remember,” she
            With every MBO comes the need to manage the unavoidable conflict of   ties and experience? In other words,   says, “there are legal obligations
          being both a buyer and seller and the challenges that come with this.  are they people the management   regarding communications, espe-
            And valuing the business is often where this comes to a head. Jackson   team can work with?”
          comments that “a buyer is going to want to make some money and perhaps,   On the other side of the coin the   cially with employees, and particu-
          particularly where private equity is backing an MBO, ultimately sell the   funder will want to see a comprehen-  larly where there is a union involved,
          business on”. This is why she says that there needs to be a perception – and   sive business plan that offers “a clear   and these must be followed.”

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