Page 23 - PWM2023_January
P. 23


           Signage installer                                                  The Bank of England has
                                                                              IN BRIEF

           directory goes live                                                unveiled the design of the
                                                                              new King Charles III bank-
                                                                              notes. A portrait of The
                                                                              King has replaced that of
                                                                              Queen Elizabeth II, with no
            After a heavily oversub-                   clear very quickly that if we   other changes to the exist-
           scribed trial earlier this year,            wanted to do it right, we   ing design, which retains
                                                                              its existing security fea-
           a directory of signage and                  needed to develop it our-  tures. The portrait will
           print installers has moved                  selves from the ground up, so   appear on the front of the note, as well as in cameo on the
           out of testing and gone live                that’s exactly what the team   back’s see-through security window. Andrew Bailey, gover-
           today (21 December).                        have done, and the result is   nor of the Bank of England, said: “I am very proud that the
                                                                              Bank is releasing the design of our new banknotes which
            Established by industry                    something we’re incredibly   will carry a portrait of King Charles III. “This is a significant
           software provider Vism, the                 proud of.”             moment, as The King is only the second monarch to feature
           Signage & Print Installer                    It’s free to create a basic   on our banknotes. People will be able to use these new
                                                                              notes as they start to enter circulation in 2024.” All polymer
           Directory – previously                      profile  on  the  directory,   banknotes carrying a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II will
           Signage Installations                       which is open to businesses   remain legal tender.
           Directory  –  which  helps   It has moved out of testing  from across the industry
           wide-format print and sig-  started as a small experiment   including printers, signmak-  The Wepa Group has start-
                                                                              ed up a new paper
           nage companies to find   to see if we could help print-  ers, freelance installers, and   machine at its Welsh site in
           installers across the UK, and   ers and signmakers connect   installation  subcontractor   Bridgend, doubling its pro-
           soon internationally, saw   with installers in other loca-  companies with multiple   duction capacity for the
           more than 500 companies   tions, has quickly become a   crews. Users of the directory   British market and creating
                                                                              more than 50 new jobs.
           and installers sign up during   really exciting opportunity   will be able to search for   The paper produced at the
           the trial period.     for us.               installers by location so they   site is converted into toilet
            Dan Tyler, founder of the   “During the trial, we relied  can find providers local to the   and kitchen paper for the
           platform and CEO at Vism,   on third party software to test   job, as well as filtering by   UK consumer market. The new paper machine has a pro-
                                                                              duction capacity of 70,000 tons of tissue paper per year and
           said: “Our team are over the   the water and see what appe-  skills, certifications and   is designed to produce hygiene paper products from virgin
           moon to be putting this out   tite there might be for some-  accreditations, insurances   fibres, as well as 100% recycled fibres. With its high energy
           before year’s end. What   thing like this, but it became   and more.  efficiency, the new tissue machine sourced from manufac-
                                                                              turer Valmet will also significantly contribute to cutting CO2
           Sappi upgrades Gratkorn mill                                       emissions and water usage.The new paper machine is
                                                                              designed to produce the highest quality in terms of soft-
                                                                              ness, strength, and absorbency.
            Plans have been revealed  automation and electrical   number of weeks”.  Large format digital print
           by Sappi Europe to upgrade  equipment including drives,   Some interruption will   house UPG has backed up
           and modernise its Gratkorn  control systems, quality con-  also occur on PM9 due to the   its plans for expansion
           mill in Austria. In a state-  trol and inspection systems   need for a reorganisation of   with an investment in an
                                                                              Agfa Jeti Tauro H2500 LED
           ment released last week, the  as well as upgrades to the   internal logistics. Given cur-  UV digital press. UPG, part
           packaging and speciality  coating profile and other   rent market conditions of   of the Picture Playground
           paper manufacturer said the  areas”.        reduced demand and high   Group (PPG), has seen
           current upgrade and mod-  During the preparatory  customer inventories, Sappi   rapid growth, doubling in
           ernisation project would  phase this month and the   Europe said it does not   turnover over the past two years. Run by two brothers, Kier
                                                                              and Tallis Simons, it is also due to open a retail POS and
           focus on Paper Machine 11  main period of work in   expect customer business to   visual merchandising innovation hub in Rochester in early
           (PM11). It will undergo  January, production on PM11   be disrupted during the pro-  2023. The new Jeti Tauro has joined the firm’s existing Agfa
           “extensive modernisation of  will  be  interrupted  “for a   ject period.  Anapurna H3200i LED press, which has been the workhorse
                                                                              of the POS and retail specialist’s operation. It was installed
           Royal Mail warns on stamp rates                                    in September. “We may have been happy with the
                                                                              Anapurna, but that did not guarantee the Jeti Tauro sale,”
                                                                              said Kier Simons, CEO of PPG.
            Royal Mail’s chairman has                  wanted the requirement to   Print procurement specialist Haybrooke is launching a new
           warned that the price of a                  deliver on Saturdays to end.   sub-service of its ‘printing as a service’ (PaaS) procurement
           First Class stamp could go                   The business is currently   model aimed at general resellers in the office sector.
           up to more than £1 if the                   involved in a bitter dispute   Launching on 4 January, the ‘Managed print category’ is
           group has to keep making                    with workers who are mem-  particularly targeted at office stationers and the like who
                                                                              don’t currently have a print category, or who have a cate-
           Saturday deliveries. Keith                  bers of the CWU, with more   gory but where it is not being successful, according to John
           Williams was speaking to                    strike days due this week on   Roche, chief executive of the eight-staff business. The new
           the Telegraph in an inter-                  23 and 24 December. The   service will see Haybrooke manage the category for them in
           view published over the   Price of  stamps could go up  price of a First Class stamp   its entirety and, effectively, agree a percentage commission
           weekend when he made the   called for urgent reform of   had already been hiked by   for doing so. Haybrooke’s revenues exceeded £1m for the
           claim.                the Universal Service   nearly 12% to 95p earlier   first time in its history in its provisional accounts for the
            In November Royal Mail   Obligation, and said it   this year.     year ending 31 May 2022.
                                                                    January 2023 PrintWeek MENA  23
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