Page 21 - PWM2023_January
P. 21


           Many opportunities in 2023: Rising

            Stuart Rising, head of                                           tility and personalisation as   through its higher productiv-
           commercial print at Canon                                         well as new formats and   ity, lower energy use and
           UK & Ireland, believes that                                       designs, a wealth of opportu-  lower costs.
           numerous opportunities will                                       nities will be opened up for   “Many PSPs are now
           be opened up in 2023 for                                          many PSPs – helping them   expected to deliver counsel
           many printers who prioritise                                      to deliver a competitive   on the latest communication
           versatility and personalisa-                                      advantage and expand into   techniques to bolster their
           tion, as well as new formats                                      new markets in the long
           and designs. He says: “2022                                       term.Suppliers will need to   customers’ campaigns.
           has been a challenging year,                                      continually evolve their tech-  We’re therefore working
           with a wealth of economic                                         nology to help ensure that   closely with our customers
           issues affecting both the                                         devices are working as effi-  to advise them on the power
           general public and busi-  Stuart Rising, head of commercial print at Canon UK & Ireland  ciently as possible for cus-  of printed assets, and how
           nesses across many sectors.                                       tomers – and that they are   these can be combined with
           The print industry is no   friendly and energy efficient   Remanufacturing, field-  supported during challeng-  activities such as personali-
           exception, with many PSPs   – highlighted by events such  upgradeable technology,   ing economic times.  sation in the broader market-
           [print service providers]   as COP27 taking place in the   and environmentally   “Customer demands have   ing mix.
           being impacted by rising   second half of the year.  We   friendly processes are also   evolved rapidly over the years   We are focused on long
           costs fuelled by factors such   have also seen tighter mar-  set to be of high importance.   and the expectation for print-  term partnerships with cus-
           as high energy prices.   keting budgets having an  Automation is also likely to   ers to deliver leading effi-  tomers, offering counsel on
            “As well as a continuation   effect on our customers’ out-  remain high on the agenda   ciency  with  high  image
           of trends such as automa-  put.             in 2023 as PSPs seek tech-  quality, whilst being cost-  new revenue streams and
           tion,  2022  has  seen  an   “Economic challenges are  nologies that can help to   efficient and sustainable will   how our global technology
           increase in demand for tech-  likely to continue in 2023   reduce turnaround times,   likely continue. Our inkjet   expertise and R&D commit-
           nology that enables PSPs   alongside high expectations  increase production levels  technology is a great example   ment can help them to
           and their customers to be   for sustainable devices, inks   and  potential  returns.  of how we can support our   expand their business for the
           more  environmentally   and  substrates.    Finally, by prioritising versa-  customers in this area   future.”

          Companies will embrace broader service offerings: O’Donnell

            Kevin O’Donnell, head of                                                 help. A great example of this   “To take some of the heavy
           marketing – Graphic                                               is the work that Go Inspire, a   lifting in market engage-
           Communications and                                                Xerox company, do to go   ment and education, our
           Production Systems, UK,                                           beyond print, supporting   Genesis Initiative provides a
           Ireland and The Nordics at                                        their clients with data and
           Xerox, is expecting to see the                                                          toolkit of learning in busi-
           further use of automated                                          marketing performance.   ness, sales, design and pro-
           and integrated workflows                                          When print and digital com-  duction. It’s not just about
           driven by AI in 2023. He                                          bine, it can be so powerful –   supplying technology but
           says: “In print manufactur-                                       they are truly better   connecting with wider busi-
           ing we expect to see the fur-                                     together.             ness outside, as well as in,
           ther use of automated and                                           “ESG and sustainability is
           integrated workflows driven   Kevin O’Donnell of Xerox, UK, Ireland and The Nordics  also a big play for printers as   the print industry. Our strat-
           by AI, as costs inevitably rise                                   more and more clients set   egy at Xerox is to offer a plat-
           and we lean towards the use   expect the customer experi-  – perhaps through digital   high expectations of their   form that can be adapted to
           of technology to balance   ence to be at the forefront of   publishing or scanning and   suppliers to have clear pro-  changing markets and
           this, and better drive and   the printing industry’s strat-  archiving services, expand-  opportunities without hav-
           support businesses.   egies, with firms asking cus-  ing the conversation   grams and measurements in   ing to reinvest in a replace-
            “Companies will embrace   tomers what their challenges   through the inbound and   place to manage their carbon
           broader service offerings   are, where and why they               emissions and their social   ment device – examples
           that compliment the core   have them, and what else   outbound processes, which   impact in the communities   include Colour Accelerator
           print production. We also   they do that you could offer   are all areas where Xerox can   in which they operate.  for the Xerox Baltoro.”

                                                                    January 2023 PrintWeek MENA 21
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