Page 26 - PWM2023_January
P. 26


           Nailing down the kilowatts

           Wrap up and prepare,                   hile the government belatedly and   standardised, but readers may be able to compare some of
                                                                                the results with their own equipment.
                                                  reluctantly capped electricity prices to
           there’s no doubt         W                                            Litho efficiencies
                                                  businesses, it’s only for six months and
           we’re all facing a hard                the bills will still be a lot higher than   Heidelberg’s website has a sustainability page for its lat-
           winter, with industry                  last year.                    est eight-unit  B1 Speedmaster 106XL, which says it uses
           hit as much as house-      This time last year, faced with energy price rises that   8kWh per thousand sheets  in its most efficient mode.
           holds by the rocket-     seem almost trivial now, Printweek put together a guide   Given today’s trends to short runs that’s a worthwhile fig-
           ing price of gas,        to reducing energy use in printing factories, such as   ure to know, while for longer runs at the press’ top  speed
                                                                                of 18,000sph, that’s in the region of 144kW per hour of
           electricity and vehi-    switching off anything you can when not needed, install-  continuous running.
                                    ing LED lighting and improving draft-proofing and insu-
           cle fuels.               lation. We looked at the economics of solar power too.   The press can show its consumption continuously to
                                    We’ve updated it a bit for 2022 and you can read it online   operators on its Wallscreen display. Heidelberg also
           Words by                 at  claims that its DryStar Combination warm air dryer can
                                                                                save 27,000kWh per year (assuming 36m sheets) com-
           Simon Eccles               What do presses really use?               pared with earlier driers. Motors, water cooling, air pump
                                      Our original guide didn’t cover production equipment,   and power supply are all optimised for lower consump-
                                    partly because it was hard to get actual power usage fig-  tion, it says. For instance the Airstar cabinet, which sup-
                                    ures out of conventional press and finishing machinery   plies the vacuum and Heidelberg’s optimised-nozzle hot
                                    suppliers. However, printers will know what their own   air drier, saves a huge 140,000kWh per year (for those
                                    bills are, and you can buy your own measurement devices   same 36m sheets) because it is twice as efficient as earlier
                                    to test each machine on standby or load.    units. Press automation such as pre-setting also cuts time,
                                      Here we’re presenting what we’ve been able to find out   waste and therefore consumption too, it says, while a new
                                    about press consumption by reading and asking around   standby mode saves yet more.
                                    the industry. It’s necessarily incomplete and not very   Sheet-for sheet, therefore, the latest litho looks quite

           26 PrintWeek MENA January 2023                                                   
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