Page 27 - PWM2023_January
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           competitive with digital. 144kW per   to consider – all of which are taken into account when designing   The dye sublimation process needs sig-
           hour is many times the consumption   the ideal solution for our customers. Digital print technology and   nificant heat for the ink to transfer to
           claimed for the digital presses below, but   inline finishing for example, require less manual intervention –   textiles and other polyester-based
           the XL106 prints vastly more A4 page   while print-on-demand reduces inventory and waste, making the   media. Solvent and eco-solvent ink types
           areas than they can produce in an hour.   entire print process more flexible,” Rising adds.  have heated beds, largely to condition
           Remember though that litho and flexo   The bigger-is-more-efficient logic doesn’t seem to stretch to   vinyl to accept and lock in the pigments.
           presses also consume extra electricity in   digital presses however, where B2 is popular as a step up from   LEDs have largely replaced mercury
           the platemaking processes as well as the   SRA3, especially with HP Indigos, but B1 sheetfed is yet to really   vapour lamps for UV curing, with a huge
           extra consumables, which digital doesn’t   take off despite  numerous tries.    saving on energy (and cold running
           need.                                                                           means they can handle lighter, cheaper
                                            Inkjet v toner consumption
            LED-UV retrofits                                                               media with less environmental impact
                                            We did manage to get some idea of a few digital presses’ con-  too). According to EFI’s UK distributor
            If you’re in the market for a new litho   sumption. Kyocera, which stressed the low consumption of its
           press, bigger can mean more efficient,   SRA3 Taskalfa Pro 15000C inkjet production press when it was   CMYUK, the current Vutek Q5r or 5r,
           says Murray Lock, managing director of   launched last year, has drawn up a comparative chart of some   which are 5m roll-to-roll inkjets with
           M Partners, distributor of RMGT   other digital presses. Stuart Johnson, production print manager at   LED-UV lamps, draw 2.9kWh, where
           presses: “Our sales pitch is, you can   Kyocera Document Solutions (UK), said these are real-world   the older mercury lamp based equiva-
           replace two B2 presses with one B1.   measurements from some of its global customer sites that also   lent Vutek GS 5000r used 10kWh. The
           Their economics are better and you’ll get   have the competitors’ machines.     current 3.2m Vutek 32r draws 1.8kWh.
           twice the throughout for less than twice   We haven’t been able to independently verify these figures.   HP’s Latex process originally needed a
           the power use.”                Canon did give us figures for its VarioPrint ix inkjet series and   great deal of heat to cure the water-based
            RMGT was also a pioneer of LED-UV                                              polymer inks, although the current itera-
           curing 10 years ago, and all litho (and   these are significantly lower than Kyocera’s measurements, but   tions have reworked heating systems, a
                                          they may not be comparing like-for-like. We’ve added the manu-
           flexo) press makers offer it now. We’ve   facturers’ official figures in brackets where we can find them.   faster warm-up and a new ‘Optimizer’
 Nailing down the kilowatts   UV-LED (or low-energy UV, which is   modules, which each need a single-phase plug, use a total of   2021 Mimaki put up a YouTube video
                                                                                           primer to reduce this significantly. In
           heard of printers that have retrofitted
                                            According to Kyocera its own Pro 15000C press’ four main
                                                                                           where it printed the same 4sqm job on
           different), purely for their energy sav-
                                          4.576kW per hour.  It says a Ricoh Pro C9200 colour toner press
           ings – with the instant curing as a side-
                                                                                           then the equivalent HP Latex
           benefit. While UV-cured inks cost more,   totals 14.168kW per hour (Ricoh says “less than 9,000”); a slower   its UJV100-160 LED-UV printer and
           the energy savings are tipping the bal-  Ricoh Pro C7200 toner press is 8.008 (Ricoh says 11.2); a Xerox   600W/700W model, while measuring
           ance.                          Nuvera 288 mid-range colour toner press is 8.3 (which is what   the power consumed throughout.
                                          Xerox says too, though its claims half that for the slower 100-144   Starting from standby (with a power
            Digital savings               models); a Canon VarioPrint iX3200 B3 sheetfed inkjet is 37.5   spike to warm up) the HP used about six
            Energy concerns are also leading more   (Canon says 26.1 though that covers the iX3200 and slower   times as much electricity.  HP itself pub-
           printers to consider digital, says Stuart   iX2200); and a Xerox Baltoro HF B3 sheetfed inkjet is 14.478.   lished figures in 2016 comparing its
           Rising, head of commercial print for   You’d need to do a lot of cross-comparisons of throughputs to   Latex 360 with a Roland XF-640 eco sol-
           Canon UK & Ireland. “We are now see-  get a standardised figure in terms of kW per A4 page or whatever.   vent printer, and found the Latex used
           ing energy consumption featured in   However it seems clear that inkjet’s high power use is due to the   about four times as much electricity.
           almost every conversation that we have   hot air driers needed for the water-based inks, which is more   Steve Baker, managing director of
           with our prospective customers,” he   power-hungry than the heat/pressure fusers of the slower toner   Baker Labels in Brentwood, highlighted
           says. “In particular, we are seeing more   presses.                             the potentially catastrophic impact of
           litho press users seeking out devices that   The Kyocera inkjet puts down less ink, so needs very little help   the predicted electricity price rises in a
           offer advanced product specifications as   with drying, but it’s really more of a fast document printer than   LinkedIn group in August, which
           well as energy-saving potential – as this   the Canon and Xerox inkjets which can produce litho-like colour   received a lot of responses from other
           can help them to meet wider business   depth and quality but with a lot more ink to dry.  HP Indigo mod-  companies in the same boat.
           and sustainability objectives. Our inkjet   els heat the transfer blanket to transfer the ink, but don’t need fur-
           technology has recently captured the   ther energy to cure it. Official figures for the HP Indigo 7000   Correlations in conclusion
           attention of PSPs as it boasts a number of   sheetfed SRA3 press are 14-18kw when printing, apparently for a   These figures aren’t comprehensive,
           energy-saving capabilities which can   four-colour version. The WS6000 web press is the same. B2   and there may be inconsistencies in how
           help to evolve production print pro-  sheetfed models (12000 and 3000) are 38kW.  they are measured. Nevertheless, they
           cesses and improve sustainability.                                              do provide a broad idea of what various
            “Comparisons need to take many dif-  Wide-format processes                     processes use, which may be useful to
           ferent aspects into account. As well as   It’s much the same story for wide-format inkjets. Water-based   readers in judging how to allocate their
           energy savings, there are a number of   ink  printers (for fine art and photo work) tend not to have acceler-  production this winter, and how to plan
           other important environmental factors   ated  drying, but they are slowish and need special coated papers.   investments before the next one.

                                                                    January 2023 PrintWeek MENA 27
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