Page 22 - PWM2023_January
P. 22

NEWS          GLOBAL

           IN BRIEF                                    Fujifilm opens UK
           Stora Enso has announced
           its intention to sell its con-
           sumer board production                      headquarters
           site in Beihai, China. The
           group’s planned divest-
           ment would include its
           70,000 hectare forestry                      Fujifilm officially opened                 protect the planet.
           operation in the sur-                       its new UK headquarters,                      “Our new UK headquar-
           rounding region, which supplies raw materials to the Beihai   ‘Fujifilm House’, in Bedford   ters further demonstrates
           site. In a statement, the company said: “The sales process   in October, a short distance   Fujifilm’s commitment to
           supports Stora Enso’s strategy to focus on long-term profit-  from its old location. The
           able growth within the areas of renewable packaging,   new headquarters,  which         sustainability across our busi-
           building solutions and biomaterials innovations.” The                                   ness, and we look forward to
           divestment, it continued, will help Stora Enso to build on its   covers more than 2,780sqm   developing our approach and
           market position by focusing on its profitable packaging   of floorspace, has been built   Fujifilm House opened in Bedford  innovating for a sustainable
           sites, such as its paper mill at Oulu, Finland, which the   with sustainability as a core   future from Fujifilm House.”
           company announced in October would be fully converted to   part of its construction, and   of CO2 annually - and can
           produce consumer board by 2025. Stora Enso’s ¤1bn (£882m)   has won an ‘excellent’   sustain its own operations on   Fujifilm also worked with
           Oulu investment came on top of the firm’s pending pur-  BREEAM environmental   a sunny day.  the  Wildlife  Trust  for
           chase of the De Jong Packaging Group - itself a ¤1bn-plus   accreditation for the site.  Andy Kent, Fujifilm   Bedfordshire,
           deal.                                                                                   Cambridgeshire and
                                                        The site has 80 rooftop   Graphic Communications
           Rocket Graphics installed                   solar panels and is capable of   UK’s divisional manager,   Northamptonshire to keep
           an EFI Vutek 5r+ roll-to-                                         said: “It’s important for us all  the environment around its
           roll printer at the start of                generating up to 63,000kW
           December to back up a                       of electricity per year - an   – at an individual and corpo-  UK HQ site as habitable as
           record year for the firm.                   effective saving of 29 tonnes   rate level – to take steps to   possible.
           The Watford-based large-
           format and signage firm’s                   Baker Labels gains accreditation
           new 5m-wide press,
           bought from CMYUK, has allowed the firm to expand its
           capacity for eco-friendly products significantly. “It’s not   Baker Labels has been   Businesses are normally   est assets,” said Steve Baker,
           just a super productive print machine,” said Rocket’s sales   awarded Essex Working   expected to reach Level   managing director.
           director, Antony Rider. “Its green credentials sit perfectly   Well’s Level Three accredi-  Three in their second or third   The decision to obtain for-
           with our full company sustainability initiative. We are clos-  tation after building and   year of working within   mal accreditation came after
           ing the loop of ‘first use’ eco materials through recycling
           print media and to further enhance this, we need the   maintaining a strong wellbe-  EWW’s programme.  the family-run business had
           greenest machines available.   “We all need to reduce our   ing strategy for its employ-  Baker Labels’ quick pro-  grown in recent years to
           carbon footprint and minimise any negative eco impacts.   ees.The Brentwood-based   gress has been down to a con-  more than 100 employees,
           Having equipment that enables the use of planet friendly   label printer gained the  sistent employee-first   and realised it needed a more
           inks and substrates that requires less energy doing it, is part   accreditation on 9 December  approach, which has seen the  structured approach to
           of that process.” Rocket employs 55 people at its 2,320sqm   after just one year working   company win accolades like   employee wellbeing. The
           site.                                       with Essex Working Well   2020 Essex Employer of the   programme requires compa-
           A management buyout                         (EWW), an organisation that  Year and 2021 Brentwood   nies to build a wellbeing
           (MBO) deal has been suc-                    provides free health and well-  Employer of the Year. “It may   strategy, and show evidence
           cessfully completed at
           fleet vehicle graphics spe-                 being advice to businesses in  sound like a cliché, but our   of ongoing activities to fulfil
           cialist OPG. Allan Hamilton                 the county.           staff genuinely are our great-  it.
           has been appointed as
           managing director of the
           Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire-                    DS Smith gets new finance director
           based business, taking the reins from Owen Pilling who
           formed the company in 1995 along with his wife Janet. The   DS Smith has appointed a    executive officer Miles
           deal was completed on 1 December and was funded with a
           “six-figure” package from UKSE, alongside input from pri-  new group finance director   Roberts said: “We are
           vate investors. The new management team, which brings   and executive director to its   delighted that Richard is
           60 years of industry experience combined, has acquired the   board, with effect from
           complete company, with Pilling remaining within OPG in a   incumbent Adrian Marsh’s     joining us at a very exciting
           consultancy capacity.                       retirement next summer.                     time for DS Smith. Richard
           Daniel Erni has been appointed as the new CEO of Swiss   Richard Pike’s final           has an excellent track record
           paper processing specialist Hunkeler. As of 1 January 2023,                             as a CFO in manufacturing
           current CEO Michel Hunkeler will hand over his position to   appointment date will be   Richard Pike joins DS Smith
           Erni. As delegate of the board of directors, Michel Hunkeler   confirmed and his election   businesses and great experi-
           will continue to be involved in the strategic direction of the   put to the September 2023   Biffa for the last four years   ence in the recycling and sus-
           business and will work closely with the executive board.          and his career in finance has
           Erni has been with Hunkeler since 2016. As chief sales offic-  AGM for approval.        tainability sectors. He will
           er and member of the executive board he has been a major   Pike has been chief finan-  included a decade of leader-  play a central role in the next
           force in the company’s ability to increase sales, earnings,   cial officer of UK sustainable   ship roles in manufacturing.  chapter of growth for the
           and market share in recent years.
                                                       waste management business   DS Smith group chief   company.”
           22 PrintWeek MENA January 2023                                                   
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