Page 22 - PWM2024_November EBook
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Domino’s high-speed Etirama’s new
thermal transfer overprinter new slitter and rewinder
Etirama is launching its
machine, model Etirama
R4. Etirama, which has
Domino has launched speeds with resin-based rib- been manufacturing servo-
Vx350i, a new high-speed, bons. In addition, the motor slitter and rewinder
high-performance thermal Vx350i is designed to run machines for eight years
transfer overprinter, with rolls of up to 55% and has around 200 units
designed for easy integration longer than other printers in installed worldwide.
the Vx-Series range, allow-
into flexible packaging ing for longer print runs The new machine is
machinery, with improved without interrupting pro-
printhead technology for duction. The Vx350i encom- multi-substrate, meaning it
can work with self-adhesive
faster printing without com- passes a range of different
promising production per- printer and interface for- substrates or flexible films,
formance. Domino’s latest mats, including the option such as shrink labels and
generation TTO provides for a single-box, printer-only, IML. The machine, which
high-quality 300 DPI prints The new product provides high-quality 300 DPI prints with the printhead and con- is driven by a servomotor
for text, graphics, and high- troller all integrated into a from the French brand
resolution 2D codes, includ- to handle both standard and dle, resulting in slower single unit. This compact Schneider, has a maximum
ing QR codes powered by resin-based ribbons with no speeds. However, Domino’s product is ideal for integra- substrate width of 430mm
tion into packaging machin-
GS1. For high-resolution reduction in speed. new Vx350i uses a unique ery lines, including vertical and a maximum speed of
printing of 2D codes that Resin-based ribbons, blend of direct-drive ribbon and horizontal form fill seal 200m/min, working with
will stand the test of time known for delivering dura- technology, combined with equipment, as well as for two rewinding shafts of dif-
without impacting produc- ble, scratch-resistant codes, printhead improvements for food manufacturers with ferent sizes. The machine
tion performance, the have historically been more improved heat transfer, to space-constrained packaging has as an optional auto-
Vx350i has been developed difficult for printers to han- achieve industry-leading lines. matic inspection system.
Taghleef’s Avery Dennison Cyngient launches
new centre partners with Kroger new website
Taghleef Industries, a Cyngient has launched its
manufacturer of Avery Dennison has part- new website, reflecting the
PP-based, biobased and nered with The Kroger Co company’s focus on innova-
biodegradable films for which will use RFID sensors tion and partnership, as it
flexible packaging, labels to enable item-level digital highlights its products, tech-
and graphic arts, is open- identification for greater nologies and commitment to
ing a new innovation inventory accuracy, to maxi- personalized service, as well
center in Italy, at its site in mize freshness, reduce as environmental responsibil-
San Giorgio di Nogaro. waste and optimize associ- ity and social impact.
This facility is designed to ates’ time. This collabora- The new website delivers a
foster collaboration and tion makes item-level digital responsive user experience, The new online portal is live
accelerate innovation. identification possible, ena- Partnership for RFID adoption offering visitors an intuitive
The center serves as a bling more frequent and Avery Dennison will process to engage with website is an extension of our
hub where Taghleef’s more accurate inventory improve inventory visibility, Cyngient’s team of experts. ongoing mission to empower
cross-functional teams information to maximize which means products will Through a streamlined three- clients and partners with
and customers can come freshness, reduce waste and be on the shelves when our step contact system, users can innovative tools, solutions,
together to ideate, improve the associate expe- customers want them, while submit project details, includ- and insights that drive suc-
develop and refine tech- rience. It is a foundational enabling our associates to ing specific applications and
nology. By locating the step in delivering a more spend more time with our formats of interest. cess. We’ve always stressed
center adjacent to produc- seamless customer and asso- customers.’ The collabora- ‘We are excited to intro- our mission to “raise the bar”
tion lines, including ciate experience tion will begin in the bakery duce a digital space that aligns when it comes to innovation,
department, implementing
extrusion, metallization ‘Kroger’s customers and RFID-embedded labels on with our core values and and the new site is another
and the new coating divi- associates are at the heart of each item, providing signifi- showcases the depth of our tool that helps us in doing just
sion, the center can inte- everything we do,’ said cant time savings and valua- product offerings and exper-
grate research and Jordan Poff, vice president ble data to automate tise,’ said Andrew that.’
development with manu- of retail operations at inventory management and Wasserman, managing part- Visitors can now explore
facturing. Kroger. ‘Our work with freshness optimization. ner at Cyngient. ‘The new Cyngient’s portfolio.
20 PrintWeek MENA November 2024