Page 25 - PWM2024_November EBook
P. 25


      SCREEN appoints Daria                                               Mondi will take a ¤100m
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      Obłój as sales manager                                              (£83m) impairment hit to
                                                                          close its Stambolijski mill
                                                                          in Bulgaria, which was
                                                                          damaged by a fire last
                                                                          month. The mill, located
        Due to the growing num-                   quickly discovered how they   around 120km from Sofia,
      ber of customers in Eastern                 deliver exceptional printing   makes brown kraft paper.
      Europe and recognising its                  resolutions and speeds with   The fire damaged its single
                                                                          paper machine, which had
      potential for growth and                    high uptimes, all in an afford-  capacity of 100,000tpa. In a statement, Mondi said: “After
      innovation, SCREEN has                      able package—qualities that   evaluating the options for repairing the mill and the ongo-
      appointed Daria Obłój as                    are crucial for the many mid-  ing investment required for the mill to remain competitive
      Regional Sales Manager for                  dle and small-sized compa-  into the future, Mondi has concluded that closing the mill
                                                                          and serving customers out of its network of other kraft
      Eastern Europe, her experi-                 nies that dominate Poland   paper mills is the best course of action overall.” The deci-
      ence and drive to excel mak-                and Eastern Europe,” Daria   sion will affect around 300 Mondi Stambolijski employees.
      ing her a perfect fit with their            explained.As Sales Manager   Mondi said the net closure costs were estimated at ¤100m
                                                                          “primarily related to a non-cash asset impairment which
      dedication to printing excel-               for Eastern Europe, Daria is   we will book as a special item”.
      lence. Patrick Jud, SCREEN’s   Daria Obłój as Regional SM  eager to leverage SCREEN’s
      Area Director DACH & CEE,   new challenge to push her               Waitrose has printed its
      emphasised this, stating,   further in her career and per-  cutting-edge technology to   latest Christmas food bro-
                                                                          chure with cutting edge
      “Daria stood out as an ideal   sonal development and iden-  modernise the Polish print-  scan-to-buy technology,
      candidate for SCREEN   tified SCREEN as an   ing market. Her primary goal   where customers can point
      because of her deep familiar-  authoritative figure in the   is to enhance SCREEN’s visi-  their phone camera at any
      ity with the label market in   label, commercial, and pack-  bility in the region.  Daria’s   product in the brochure to
                                                                          find it online. Customers
      Eastern     Europe.   aging printing markets, with   appointment also highlights   scan a QR code printed in
      Furthermore, she impressed   a reputation for reliable, pro-  SCREEN’s commitment to   the brochure, and are
      with her confident, outgoing   ductive digital inkjet printing   diversity and innovation.   taken to a host page where they can start scanning items
                                                                          – without any need to download an app. The technology,
      personality and commitment   equipment.     “I’m eager to begin this new   engineered by Phuzion Media, was introduced to Waitrose
      to customer satisfaction.”  “Seeing SCREEN’s presses  chapter with SCREEN,”   by Eye to Eye Media, which produces magazines and bro-
        Daria was also looking for a   in action,” said Daria,” I  Daria concluded.  chures for the supermarket. Every product in the brochure
                                                                          is scannable, and the technology requires no changes to
      MIS-printer connection launched                                     photography or post-production treatment. Connecting
                                                                          print readers directly to online checkout is a powerful tool
                                                                          for improving shoppers’ experience.
        Packaging and label  Equios workflow software  premium integrations part-  Macfarlane Group has
      printer MIS developer Cerm  and the Cerm MIS to com-  ner. “When existing or new   appointed a new manag-
      has unveiled inkjet manufac-  municate  back  and  forth,   Cerm customers share their   ing director for Macfarlane
      turer Screen as the first press  automatically setting up jobs   plans to invest in new pro-  Packaging Distribution,
      manufacturer to have its kit  and allowing operators to   duction equipment, we   Europe as it strengthens its
                                                   always point them to the
                                                                          presence in the European
      directly integrated in an ‘out  simply monitor and start pro-  importance of our integra-  protective packaging mar-
      of the box’ connection with  duction.        tions, as a ‘must have’ to   ket.Joost Meijs will join the
      Cerm’s MIS. The partnership   “The decision was obvi-  streamline production. And   Glasgow-headquartered
      – which labels Screen as  ous,” said Peter Heyse,   with Screen, it is an eyes-  packaging company in the
      Cerm’s first press manufac-  Cerm’s director of product   closed certainty that it   newly created role on 1 January 2025, reporting directly to
                                                                          Macfarlane’s chief executive, Peter Atkinson. He will work
      turer ‘premium integrations  management. “Screen is a   increases efficiency from day   with Macfarlane’s existing European team to further
      partner’ – allows Screen’s  perfect fit to become our next  one.    expand the company’s presence in Europe. In recent years
                                                                          Macfarlane has expanded its strategic European presence
      End caps for cardboard tubes                                        with the acquisition of the PackMann protective packaging
                                                                          business in Germany. Meijs will support the PackMann
                                                                          team to achieve their growth plans.
        Print on demand firm                       with clingfilm in 2022 – the
      Prodigi has launched a “first-               printing firm developed its   Materials innovation and coatings firm HeiQ is set to delist
      of-its-kind” moulded fibre                   own moulded fibre caps as   from the stock market as part of a restructuring plan that
                                                                          includes selling off some of its product lines. The PLC said it
      end cap for cardboard tubes.                 the last piece in the plastic-  continued to face “significant challenges” due to ongoing
      Launched  under  the                         free puzzle, and has elimi-  curtailed demand in its core operations of Textiles, Flooring,
      Ecocaps brand, the fully                     nated more than two million   and Antimicrobials. Conditions are not expected to improve
      compostable and biodegrad-                                          until the second-half of next year. A new restructuring plan
      able caps were developed by                  individual pieces of plastic   will reduce costs by an additional 20% by the end of next
      Prodigi after the firm real-                 from  its  supply  chain  by   year.HeiQ plans to reduce its central organisation costs;
      ised there was no plastic-  Prodigi launches the product  adopting its own product.   relocate and streamline some operations to focus on its
      free alternative to     On a mission to remove all   Prodigi prints largely in-  hubs in Portugal, Thailand and the US; and scale back non-
      traditional plastic end-caps   plastic from its own packag-  house from three facilities in   core activities in its innovation pipeline. Its operational
      available on the market.  ing materials – beginning   the UK, US and Europe.  headquarters are in Switzerland.                                                                  November 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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