Page 23 - PWM2024_November EBook
P. 23


      UPM Specialty Papers partners                                                            Tageos’ NFC and
                                                                                               HF inlay
      with Michelman                                                                           new EOS-915 I3 NFC and
                                                                                                Tageos has launched its

                                                                                               HF inlay, suitable for a wide
                                                                                               range of multi-purpose
        UPM Specialty Papers                                             and UPM Asendo Pro    applications including cus-
      and Michelman have co-                                             papers, making the concept
      created three products                                             particularly suitable for   tomer experience, item-
      designed to allow brand                                            inner liners in end-uses   level tagging, product
      owners to replace multi-                                           such as corrugated card-  authentication, supply-
      material, non-recyclable                                           board boxes.All three struc-  chain visibility and smart
      packaging with paper-based                                                               packaging.
      alternatives that meet their                                       tures have been tested for   The new EOS-915 I3 has
      requirements for food con-                                         recyclability according to   a small footprint with the
      tact and recyclability.                                            the PTS-RH 021/97 cat II   antenna size of 13 x 13 mm.
        One of the cooperation’s                                         method. ‘We are very excited   While offering higher per-
                                                                                               formance and reading
      results is a high barrier                                          about the possibilities these   speed, it maintains full
      packaging material  that   UPM Specialty Papers and Michelman co-created three products  three concepts can offer to   compatibility with both
      combines UPM Solide                                                brands and converters to   NFC-enabled phones with
      Lucent base paper with   A second innovation   ble barrier coatings.  replace multi-material pack-  near-field data exchange of
      three of Michelman’s   offers barrier properties   A third product has sig-  aging structures that are dif-  a few centimeters and long-
      water-based coatings, deliv-  ideal for frozen foods. The   nificantly  boosted  resist-  range HF readers (vicinity)
      ering robust oxygen and   concept is based on a highly  ance to water vapor and   ficult to recycle.   for reading distances of up
      moisture vapor barriers   effective combination of   grease. Michelman’s high   Collaborations such as these   to 1.5 meters. This makes
      with heat-sealability. This   either UPM Asendo or   performing VaporCoat   are crucial for innovating   the new product a versatile
      makes it ideal for demand-  UPM Asendo Pro barrier   2240 coating serves to   new, recyclable, fiber-based   choice for retail, logistics,
      ing products such as choco-  papers and Michelman’s   enhance the existing barrier   packaging solutions,’ said Esa   healthcare and industrial
      late and even coffee.  next generation heat-seala-  properties of UPM Asendo  Saukkonen from UPM R&D.  manufacturing.
      Screen Europe celebrates 50th                            

      anniversary                                                        launches in the US

        Screen Europe has cele-                                           Anew player in flexible
      brated its 50th anniversary at                                     packaging segment, Pouches.
      its new office, where it wel-                                      com has entered the US mar-
      comed colleagues and their                                         ket with its streamlined, fully
      families from across Europe,                                       integrated online ordering
      as well as representatives                                         system.
      from its parent company in                                          Offering custom-printed
      Japan. Screen Europe has                                           pouches and packaging for
      grown into a partner for                                           B2B customers nationwide,
      more than 190 printing com-                               offers ease of   Custom-printed pouches
      panies across 40 EMEA                                              use, fast turnaround times   duction and delivery times
      countries, with over 250 digi-  Screen Europe has celebrated its 50th anniversary at its new office  and sustainability.
      tal inkjet presses sold, serving   ogy which has earned us a   helped the company main-  The platform is designed   from the standard six weeks
      industries from commercial   reputation for delivering reli-  tain a high level of expertise,   for businesses of all sizes,   to ten days with express ser-
      print to packaging and label   able, cutting-edge inkjet solu-  providing its partners with a   making it easy to order pack-  vice. Its product lineup
      converters.           tions with industry-leading                  aging quickly and eco-con-  includes stand-up pouches,
        ‘We have come a long way,   capabilities.’  consistent and trusted team   sciously. From product   block-bottom pouches, flat
      but our mission stays the   Screen Europe believes   as the industry evolves.   selection and customization   pouches and custom roll
      same–to improve and   that when employees feel val-  Screen Europe is confident in   to final delivery, everything   stock.
      advance inkjet printing tech-  ued, they are empowered to   the future of the European   happens through a user- prioritizes
      nology,’ said Bui Burke, sen-  innovate. Many team mem-  printing industry and the   friendly website, cutting
      ior vice president of sales at   bers have been with the com-  enduring value of print in   down on the traditionally   eco-friendly production
      Screen  Europe.  ‘Together   pany for over 25 years,   today’s world, reflected in the   long and complicated order-  methods, using sustainable
      with our colleagues in Japan,   adapting to new technologies   investment in its Inkjet   ing process. Leveraging   materials and advanced digi-
      we are pushing the bounda-  and continuously developing   Innovations Centre (IIC) at   advanced technology,   tal printing to minimize envi-
      ries of this complex technol-  their skills. This stability has   its new headquarters. reduces pro-  ronmental impact.                                                                  November 2024  PrintWeek MENA 21
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