Page 14 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 14


      Suzano finishes acquisition of  changes

      pine bluff paper pill                                                                    terday announced that Kevin
                                                                                                Canfor Pulp Products yes-
                                                                                               Edgson will be leaving the
                                                                                               role of President and Chief
        Suzano announced that it                                         CEO of Suzano Packaging   Executive Officer on October
      has completed the acquisi-                                         US. “Our successful track   31, 2024.
      tion of Pactiv Evergreen’s                                         record of asset integration
      Pine Bluff, Arkansas, paper                                        gives us confidence that we   John Baird, Chairman of
      mill and Waynesville, North                                                              Canfor Pulp Products’ Board
      Carolina, extrusion facility.                                      will be able to enhance oper-  of Directors, said, “On behalf
      The purchase price was                                             ational efficiency, produc-  of the Board of Directors, I
      US$110 million in cash, sub-                                       tion scale, and safety   would like to thank Kevin for
      ject to customary adjust-                                          standards at these  units,   his significant contributions
      ments for closing amounts                                          opening up new opportuni-  in the role of President and
      such as working capital.  The Pine Bluff mill produces liquid packaging board & cupstock  ties for the employees and
        The Pine Bluff mill pro-                                         positively impacting the   CEO since 2022.
      duces liquid packaging   pursuant to which Suzano   ity and marks its entrance            “Kevin has worked
      board and cupstock used to   would use Pine Bluff and   into the consumer and food   local communities of Pine   through a number of chal-
      make beverage cartons,   Waynesville to supply liquid   service packaging segments   Bluff and Waynesville.”  lenges including a reduction
      paper cups and other fiber-  packaging board to Pactiv   in North America.  Michael King, President   in fibre supply in BC and fluc-
      based food and beverage   Evergreen’s converting busi-  “We aim to scale our oper-  and CEO of Pactiv   tuating market conditions
      packaging. The Waynesville   ness.           ations to meet the growing   Evergreen, stated, “The clos-  while transitioning Canfor
      facility provides incremen-  The acquired assets add   global demand for paper-  ing of this transaction   Pulp to a smaller operational
      tal extrusion capacity for the   approximately 420,000 met-
      board produced at Pine                       based packaging,” said Fabio   marks an important mile-  footprint. We are grateful for
      Bluff.  The companies also   ric tonnes per year of inte-  Almeida, Executive  Vice   stone as we focus on our   his leadership and appreciate
      agreed to enter into a long-  grated paperboard to   President of Paper and   core North American con-  his efforts to transform the
      term supply arrangement   Suzano’s production capac-  Packaging at Suzano and   verting operations.”  company during his tenure.”
      GBP 1 billion Shotton Paper Mill  New Elite Cameron

      project in North Wales                                             Slitter rewinder

         Eren Holding, a family-                                          BiOrigin Specia lt y
      owned Turkish conglomer-                                           Products (BSP), a leading
      ate, has officially launched                                       manufacturer and converter
      its landmark GBP 1 billion                                         of  parent  paper rolls  in
      Shotton Mill paper campus                                          North  America,  recently
                                                                         installed a new Elite
      at a business meeting                                              Cameron CS800 slitter
      attended by senior Ministers                                       rewinder in its Menominee,
      from the UK and Welsh gov-                                         Michigan, mill, nearly dou-
      ernments, along with leading                                       bling the mill’s slitting and   Elite Cameron slitter rewinder
      figures from the interna-                                          rewinding capacity. “We are
      tional business community.                                         very excited about our capa-  light curtains provide
      Eren acquired the Shotton                                          bilities with the new Elite   enhanced safety for workers
                                                                         Cameron slitter/rewinder,”
      Mill in October of 2021 from                                       said Menominee Mill   as well. The machine can run
      UPM. The mill, which is   The 85.6-hectare Shotton Mill site in the UK’s North Wales   Manager, Sherrill Mayton.   up to 1,500 feet per minute
      located  in  North  Wales   ment to accommodate two   weight range of 70-135 g/m2   “The  new  technology   and can handle web widths
      (United Kingdom), started-  advanced manufacturing   using 100% recycled paper.  improves our throughput,   up to 64 inches. The
      up in 1983 and produced   operations: a containerboard   PM3, which will be sup-  quality and safety and ena-  Menominee Mill is one of six
      about 260,000 tonnes per   machine (PM3) and a tissue   plied by Valmet, will have the   bles us to better serve our   BSP mills throughout the
      year of newsprint during its   paper machine (TM1).  capacity to produce about   customers.”
                                                                          The Elite Cameron CS800
      last few years of operation.                                       is equipped with a shaftless   United States and Canada
        Now, the 85.6-hectare   The new containerboard   750,000 tonnes per year of   pick-up  unwind,  which   that produces the lion’s share
      Shotton Mill site in North   machine — PM3 — will pro-  containerboard. According   reduces manual labor and   of its customers’ waxed
      Wales (United Kingdom) is   duce high-quality testliner   to Eren, the overall project   enhances safety for mill   papers, primarily for the
      set for a major redevelop-  and fluting grades in a basis   will be developed in phases.  workers. New photo-sensor   Food Packaging Industry.
      14 PrintWeek MENA October 2024                                                    
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