Page 15 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 15


      Reflex Group invests in                                                                  New FTA
      Grafotronic machines                                                                     Technical Association Board
                                                                                                T he  F le xo g ra p hi c

                                                                                               of Directors and Foundation
                                                                                               of FTA Board of Trustees
        Reflex Group, a global                                           customers onboard in both   named Nathan Ridnouer as
      label and packaging pro-                                           the UK and Republic of   the association’s new presi-
      ducer, has invested 2 million                                      Ireland.’             dent, effective September 23,
      EUR in a suite of                                                   Grafotronic reports that   2024.
      Grafotronic machines to be                                         its DCL series is flexible, fast   As president, Ridnouer
      installed at multiple facili-                                      and equipped with advanced   will lead FTA’s day-to-day
      ties across the globe.This                                         automation features. The   operations, manage its vari-
      strategic investment                                               fully modular design of these   ous business units, and estab-
      includes a mix of                                                  machines allows for seam-  lish short and long-term
      Grafotronic DCL machines                                           less integration into Reflex’s   strategic plans that enable
      ranging from 350 to 550 mm                                         existing production work-  the association to evolve to
                                                                         flows, providing high-speed
      in width and an advanced   The company will begin the installation of these machines soon  finishing solutions that are   meet its  membership’s
      DCL Haptic embellishing                                            both operator-independent   needs. ‘The opportunity to
      line.                 advancements in the label   expertise in designing and   and  highly  efficient.   lead FTA is both an honor
        The decision to invest in   and packaging industry.   manufacturing innovative   According to Reflex, the   and an exciting challenge. I
      Grafotronic’s equipment   Paul Hughes, managing   digital finishing machines in   inclusion of the DCL Haptic   am thrilled to join an organi-
      aligns with Reflex Group’s   director at Grafotronic UK,   Europe and the US, I am   embellishing line further   zation at the forefront of
      strategy to produce high-  said:  ‘The purchase  from  proud to bring this experi-  enhances the range of finish-  innovation in the flexog-
      quality labels. Reflex Group   Reflex Labels sends a clear   ence to the UK market. This   ing options available, ena-  raphic industry,’ commented
      has over two decades of   signal to the UK label indus-  deal marks our intentions to  bling it to offer unique,   Ridnouer. ‘I look forward to
      experience, focusing on sus-  try that Grafotronic has   grow in the UK and I am   tactile effects that elevate   working closely with the
      tainability and technological   arrived. With 20 years of   committed to bringing new   the quality of its labels.   board and our members.’
      All4Labels and Actega extend                                       EMT International

      their Signite cooperation                                          appoints new manager

        All4Labels Global                                                 EMT International has
      Packaging Group and Actega                                         expanded its sales team with
      have strengthened their                                            the appointment of John
      partnership for the further                                        Pecoraro as regional sales
      market development and                                             manager. Pecoraro resides in
      distribution of an innovative                                      Minnesota and is covering
      direct printing ‘no-label                                          the upper Midwest, West,
      look’  technology Signite,                                         and Southwest areas of the
      which supports sustainabil-                                        US. Pecoraro has over two
      ity goals by eliminating                                           decades of experience at
      printing substrates and   All4Labels was selected as sole partner for South & Central America  Canon Solutions America
      reducing CO2 emissions.  commercialization to brand   tively designed product with   and extensive knowledge of   John Pecoraro, new manager
        The collaboration started   owners in Europe.                    roll-fed inkjet presses in addi-  with a results-driven mental-
      in December 2023, with the   The innovative ‘no-label   improved design flexibility   tion to near-line and in-line   ity adds immediate value to
      signing of the 10-year agree-  look’ opens new opportuni-  and lower environmental   finishing.  the EMT International team.
      ment that appointed                          impact.                Mike Herold, executive   ‘John’s application expertise
      All4Labels as the exclusive   ties, especially in wine and   The two companies have   vice president of sales and   in book printing, direct-mail,
      partner for Actega’s Signite   spirits, personal and home-  agreed upon an extension of   marketing at EMT   transactional, transpromo-
      technology in the European   care, beer and beverages, as   the agreement to include the   International, said: ‘As we   tional, and label printing also
      market. In the last 10   well as food segments –   Central and South America   continue building our sales   brings many advantages to
      months, cross-functional   importantly, including prod-  region, where All4Labels   force to deliver customer-  our customers and partners.
      teams of both companies   ucts that do not currently               focused digital finishing solu-  We welcome John to EMT
      have been working together   use labels.     will exclusively commercial-  tions, John’s significant   International and look for-
      to scale up and optimize the   Brand owners now have   ize Signite within its Star   industry experience with ink   ward to his contributions in
      production process, making   the option to convert their   Portfolio under the name of   jet printing technologies and   delivering innovative prod-
      the product available for   packaging into an attrac-  StarDirect.  finishing solutions combined   ucts.’                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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