Page 20 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
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      Miraclon joins Consortium                                                                Innathan’s new
      for Waste Circularity                                                                    Vietnam’s leading label
                                                                                                Innathan, one of

        Miraclon has joined the                                          that winds up in landfills is   printers has installed the
                                                                                               third Hontec flexographic
      Consortium for Waste                                               dealt with and returned to   press at its Hanoi facility,
      Circularity (CWC) as part of                                       virgin materials or fuel that   marking a significant
      its ongoing environmental,                                         can be used again. They also   expansion in its production
      social and governance (ESG)                                                              capacity and capabilities.
      agenda.  John Anderson,                                            make contributions to R&D,   Innathan first Hontec
      director of advanced appli-                                        outreach and education to   machine is the 6-color flexo
      cation development for                                             advance recycling efforts.    press, which was purchased
      Miraclon, will serve within                                         ‘The CWC has identified   primarily for in-mold labe-
      the CWC, which aims to                                             proven technology for waste   ling production. Its perfor-
      expand industry collabora-                                         recycling, keeping it from
      tion and grow recycling                                                                  mance and results led the
      technology.                                                        landfill, and I’m excited to   company to invest in a sec-
        ‘When looking at how   Miraclon has joined the Consortium for Waste Circularity (CWC)  contribute to the continued   ond 10-color flexo press,
      Miraclon can impact sus-                                           development of what’s possi-  which significantly
      tainability, we take a holistic   printing value chain,’ said   we can push this even fur-  ble,’ Anderson said.   expanded its range of label
      approach that extends   Emma Weston, chief mar-  ther.’             ‘Miraclon is committed to   printing applications. Now,
      beyond a lifecycle analysis of   keting officer at Miraclon.   CWC is made up of   supporting the global packag-  with the installation of the
      our products and related   ‘We are focused on under-  brands, printers, material         third flexographic press
      manufacturing processes to   standing the big, material   and equipment manufactur-  ing value chain and helping   from Hontec, Innathan is
      the impact that our technol-  impacts and challenging  ers and insurance compa-  brands, printers and trade   positioned to further diver-
      ogy and services can have on  how we can make a differ-  nies, working to ensure that   shops achieve their sustaina-  sify its offering and enhance
      the complete packaging   ence. As a member of CWC,   all municipal solid waste   bility goals.’  production efficiency.
      ABG’s UK             Make a Mark project                          APR launches new

      expansion            expands                                      digital tool

        AB      Graphic
      International (ABG) has   Make a Mark, an innova-                  The APR Design Guide
      opened its new manufac-  tion project to explore the              helps companies measure
      turing facility in   creative possibilities of the                each aspect of a package
      Kelleythorpe, Driffield,   world of packaging, has                design against industry-
      UK in August, 2024. The   entered into the next phase             accepted criteria to ensure
      facility, which along with   in its journey to push the           that it is truly compatible with
      the company’s existing   boundaries of luxury packag-             the recycling system.
      premises  in Carnaby   ing design. The initiative                  The APR Design Guide is
      (U K ),  B ae sw e ile r   which has been developed
      (Germany) and Girona   by three global industry                   cited by leading organizations   The APR Design Guide tool
      (Spain), consolidates   leaders — Estal, Avery   It is an innovation project  such as The Ellen MacArthur   ties and features to expand the
      ABG’s manufacturing   Dennison and Leonhard                       Foundation, The Recycling   reach and impact of this criti-
      capabilities.        Kurz – began in 2021 as a   As well as celebrating new   Partnership, US Plastics Pact,   cal tool. APR has also updated
        The Kelleythorpe facil-  design innovation project   design concepts, the plat-  Walmart and Consumer   its full website, making it eas-
      ity integrates ABG’s   inviting the world’s top   form will serve as a hub for   Goods Forum—and used by
      machine shop operations,   packaging designers to cre-  creative exchange, providing   packaging producers and reg-  ier to find important
      which were previously   ate new packaging concepts   resources, tools, and oppor-  ulatory bodies worldwide,   resources and tools for stake-
      divided between the   at the intersection of luxury,   tunities for designers to   including regions in North   holders across the plastics
      Middleton  site  and  the   innovation and sustainabil-  showcase their work and   America, Asia, Europe, and   recycling  value  chain  and
      headquarters in Carnaby.   ity. Three years and 58   connect with like-minded   Africa. Most recently, the   beyond.  Users will now find a
      It is now equipped with   designs later, Make a Mark   individuals.       state of California has adopted   robust Policy Hub, an
      milling and lathe machin-  is evolving into a creative   Estal CEO, Gerard   the APR Design Guide into   Academic Library linking to
      ery, featuring equipment   platform that aims to inspire   Albertí, said: ‘Make a Mark   law, under ‘Truth in Labeling’
      from Mazak, Hurco and   and connect global design-  aims to create a vibrant plat-  law SB 343  key research on plastics recy-
      Matsuura.  The machine   ers and studios to collabo-  form of engagement for   The newly updated version   cling, and a searchable data-
      center offers automation   rate and explore new   starting conversations and   introduces an enhanced user   base with filters to find
      and efficiency.      possibilities in design.   sharing ideas.    experience with new capabili-  podcasts, blogs, etc.
      20 PrintWeek MENA October 2024                                                    
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