Page 22 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 22

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    Antalis expands with

       Start-up York Media has
       printed the first commer-
       cial work on its huge new
       web press – and is already                  new Xerox deal
       planning to add a 16pp
       cover web and perfect
       binding to its offering. The                 Antalis is set to acquire the              commented:  “While our
       firm has installed a high-                  rest of Xerox’s paper business
       spec MAN Lithoman IV 72pp-80pp press that came from                                     strategy remains to develop
       Stibo Complete in Denmark. The Lithoman can produce a   in EMEA, becoming the sole      in fast-growing countries and
       wide variety of products and has a balloon former, twin   distributor of Xerox-branded   high-potential markets such
       ribbon decks, five ribbons and inline stitching and inline   papers in the region as a
       gluing.  It started printing its first commercial job on 2   result. Xerox has been exiting   as packaging, we have always
       October.  York Media is adding a five-colour with coater   its paper business in a num-  affirmed the need to partici-
       M600 16pp web press for covers, and a Muller Martini
       Corona perfect binder because of client demand for that   ber of global markets. Back in   pate in the consolidation of
       type of product. The firm has already installed two high-  2013 Antalis acquired the   Antalis enters into a new deal  the papers distribution busi-
       speed Muller Martini Prima Plus stitching lines from Bindery   Western Europe paper busi-
       Machinery Services. The 5,580sqm ‘Hanger One’ unit has            marketing and distribution   ness.
       been updated and remodelled with a factory makeover   ness  from  the  rights for Xerox digital print-  “It is essential for us to
       including improved customer facilities.     US-headquartered tech com-  ing media and office papers.   maintain strong positions in
                                                   pany. The new deal encom-
       Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives                    passes 40 countries and spans   The distributor has been part  our markets and to improve
       is marking its WrapFest                                           of ¥644bn (£3.52bn) turno-  the profitability of our office
       debut, together with its                    Eastern Europe, the Balkans,
       preferred UK partner All                    Africa, India, and the Middle   ver Japanese giant KPP   paper activities,” he added.
       Print Supplies, by showing                  East.                 Group since 2020.      The terms of the deal were
       its latest launches along-
       side a speak preview of                      Antalis will gain exclusive   Antalis CEO Hervé Poncin  not disclosed.
       products set for release in
       2025. One of the stars of                   Durst expands P5 family
       the two businesses’ presence at the two-day, Silverstone
       event, which is dedicated to wrapping and surface decora-
       tion applications, will be a preview of the Ultimate   Durst Group has bolstered   sector.  field upgrade to add roll-to-
       Wrapping Films series. The new material family is a com-  its P5 family of printers with   Designed for high-end   roll if they wish.  The P5 X is
       plete range of coloured PVC and polyurethane films for                                  aimed at the mid-level mar-
       wrapping and making all kinds of vehicles extraordinary.   the addition of a “true flat-  applications such as bespoke   ket and is not targeted at
       The Fedrigoni and APS teams will be running live ‘pit   bed” printer with single and  visual  communications,
       demos’ and wrapping shows on their stand in cooperation   dual roll capability.   large-scale decoration, and   high-volume production.
       with installation specialists CVI Group, offering visitors a   Unveiled at a press event at  specialty packaging, the   While  it  is  Durst’s first
       unique opportunity to discover the new colours and fin-                                 homegrown flatbed
       ishes. Product previews on stand 19 will include Fedrigoni’s   its headquarters in Brixen,  machine has been field   machine, for the past few
       Ri-Jet C50 Ultimate Slide&Tac.              South Tyrol in Italy yester-  tested by Archimede, based   years it has offered flatbeds
                                                   day (2 October), Durst  near Padua in Italy.  from American manufac-
       The MPC has acquired local                  Group CEO and co-owner   The machine will be avail-  turer Vanguard, which it
       litho printer IC Printing                   Christoph Gamper said the   able either as a standalone
       Services, adding B3 litho to                                                            acquired in 2020. The P5 X
       its service list. Taking on IC              launch of the new P5 X was   flatbed or as a hybrid with   can print at speeds of up to
       Printing’s four staff in the                testament to its commit-  the roll-to-roll capability.   120sqm/hr with resolutions
       9 September cash deal,                      ment to continuous growth   Customers can also buy it as  of either 700x1,200dpi or
       TheMPC has transferred
       t he m o v e r t o its                      in the large-format printing   a flatbed first and later do a   900x1,200dpi.
       Basingstoke production
       facility along with the company’s Heidelberg five-colour B3   Print with Pride Oktoberfest demo
       press. Emma Marsh, general manager of TheMPC, told
       Printweek that the company had been an ideal prospect.
       “The owner [Leslie Colquhoun] mentioned that he was   Morgana will open  the            bespoke, unique packaging,
       thinking about an exit plan for retirement; we already had   doors to its Milton Keynes   and customised beer mats
       a facility with digital print in-house, that we’ve had for two   showroom for an        from the demonstrations.
       years,” she explained. TheMPC is what Marsh called a
       “manufacturing agency”, managing the production of   Oktoberfest-themed net-            ASL Group’s Paul Stead, vol-
       packaging, promotion, merchandise, signage and looking   working and educational        unteer and co-organiser at
       after fulfillment, logistics and third-party warehousing. “IC   event on 17 October organ-  Print With Pride, has helped
       are a completely different business to us – much more of a        Morgana to open doors for it
       traditional print business – and they focus on print, and   ised by Print With Pride, an   set the day up for interested
       only print. Their customer base is really local, too, whereas   alliance of manufacturers   Morgana, the event will   printers, and expects around
       ours is much more international and large corporate.”    and suppliers. Featuring       40 guests at the event.
       Increasing TheMPC’s local footprint had been an ambition          focus on the commercial
       for some time, and the six-month gestation period for the   hands-on workshops and live   potential of personalised   He told Printweek: “All of
       deal meant that the team was able to move quickly after   equipment demonstrations   print.  these Print With Pride events
       completion. Just three days after the deal was inked, the   from Print With Pride part-  Attendees can expect to   are learning exercises: we’re
       Heidelberg Printmaster was in at the Basingstoke site and   ners Vpress, ASL, Fiery,   take home a personalised   trying to encourage people to
                                                   Print IQ, Antalis and hosts   beer bottle, a pint glass in  have pride in what they do.”
      22 PrintWeek MENA October 2024                                                    
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