Page 21 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 21


      RRD survey shows supply                                                                  211RHC labeling
      chains regaining stability                                                               with Norwalt Automation
                                                                                                Herma has partnered

                                                                                               Group, an automation sys-
                                                                                               tems specialist to jointly
                                                                                               develop the 211RHC labe-
        Anew study by R.R.                                               tions. The report highlights   ling cell addressing the
      Donnelley & Sons Company                                           four key areas where organ-  unique challenges of labe-
      (RRD) has revealed that 93                                         izations are focusing their   ling small, irregularly
      percent of supply chain                                            efforts: risk management,   shaped and non-stable
      leaders are at least some-                                         technology adoption and   products.
      what confident in their sup-                                       innovation, supply chain re-  Designed with the phar-
      ply chain’s resilience                                             engineering, and outsourc-  maceutical industry in
      against future disruptions,                                        ing  partnerships.The US   mind, the 211RHC
      with the majority (66 per-                                         presidential election is a key   addresses the unique chal-
      cent) feeling very confi-                                          focus for many Americans,   lenges of labeling small,
      dent. Despite recent                                               and similarly, over three-  irregularly shaped and non-
      challenges like geopolitical   Study shows that 97% of leaders plan to re-engineer their chains  stable  products  such  as
      instability alongside the lin-                                     quarters of supply chain   vials, pens,  syringes and
      gering effects of the   re-engineer their supply   report, compares how over   managers are expecting that   cartridges. Herma said, that
      COVID-19 pandemic, the   chains within the next two   300 supply chain decision-  the outcome of the upcoming   traditionally, these prod-
      report highlights key strate-  years, with 30 percent plan-  makers are approaching  election would have an   ucts have been labeled
      gies businesses are using to   ning a ‘total and complete  these challenges.  impact on global supply   using semi-automatic
      build stronger, more adap-  re-engineering’.  Today, supply chain lead-  chains. Inflation and price   machines like its 211 HC
      tive supply chains.     RRD’s Future-Ready  ers  are  under  immense   fluctuations stand out as   wrap-around labeler.
        The report also shows   Supply Chain Report, the  pressure to build resilient   what managers consider   However, the newly devel-
      that nearly all supply chain  company’s second-annual  operations  capable of   their biggest challenges for   oped 211RHC significantly
      leaders (97 percent) plan to  supply chain industry   weathering various disrup-  the near future.  automates this process.
      Domino launches next-gen                                           Tidland SmartSlit

      Dx-Series CO2 laser coders                                         automated system

        Domino has launched                                               Maxcess launched the
      Dx-Series, the latest genera-                                      Tidland SmartSlit automated
      tion CO2 laser coders opti-                                        slitting system. Tidland
      mized for high-speed,                                              SmartSlit ensures automatic
      high-resolution, advanced                                          and precise placement of slit-
      variable data printing for a                                       ting blades, eliminating the
      wide variety of packaging                                          need for manual adjustments
      types. According to Domino,                                        and reducing set up time.
      Dx-Series lasers deliver up to                                     ‘SmartSlit is ideal for tag and
      30 percent faster coding than                                      label producers and narrow   Maxcess launches the system
      previous generation CO2   Dx-Series lasers deliver up to 30 percent faster coding than before  web converters looking to   reduces safety concerns and
      coders, with no reduction in                                       automate manual finishing   operator errors. Users get
      code quality, making them   ior product manager for laser  advanced variable data print-  operations or add finishing
      suitable for complex   at Domino. ‘This growth has   ing across a broad range of   operations to their current   improved ergonomics and
      advanced variable data code   been driven in part by global   product and packaging types,   lines. It is a safe, versatile,   greater accuracy versus man-
      requirements, including   government policies and reg-  and manufacturing environ-  user-friendly solution to slit-  ual position alternatives. You
      high-resolution 2D codes   ulatory frameworks driving              ting operations, significantly   can also store repeat jobs for
      such as QR codes powered by   the need for high-resolution,   ments.’  enhancing productivity and   reuse later. The best part is
      GS1.                  on product 2D codes.    Domino said that manu-  reducing operational costs,’   Tidland SmartSlit usually
        ‘Interest in laser technolo-  ‘Manufacturers are increas-  facturers  participating  in   said  Richard  Provencher,   pays for itself in less than two
      gies in the coding and mark-  ingly looking for advanced   enhanced customer trials of   global product manager for
      ing industry is booming, with   laser solutions to satisfy these   the Dx-Series were pleased  Tidland Slitting and   years compared to manual
      global market growth pre-  requirements – for this rea-  with the machine’s capability  Winding.   systems on the market.’
      dicted at rates of almost 10   son, we have launched our   to outperform previous gen-  ‘Our automatic machinery   =The Tidland SmartSlit
      percent CAGR until 2029,’   Dx-Series CO2 laser coders,   eration CO2 coders in terms   movement minimizes man-  can have a maximum of 24
      says Frauke Schroeder, sen-  for reliable, fast-paced,   of code quality and speed.  ual hand adjustment and   knives.                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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