Page 19 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 19


      Henkel and Panverta collab                                                               Sun Chemical to
                                                                                               increase prices
      for sustainable packaging                                                                announced prices increase
                                                                                                Sun Chemical has

                                                                                               across  its solvent-based
                                                                                               white ink product line in
        Together with Panverta                                           minum oxide coating   the US and Canada, effec-
      CPP, manufacturers of cast                                         (AIOx) films to less than 8   tive November 1, 2024. The
      polypropylene (CPP) and                                            cc/ The jointly   manufacturer said the price
      linear low density polyeth-                                        developed innovations   increase has been caused by
      ylene (LLDPE) film, Henkel                                         ensure that these vital oxy-  rising key raw material
                                                                         gen barrier properties for
      Adhesive Technologies has                                          dry food packaging can be   costs coupled with material
      developed films with an                                            achieved when switching   supply tightness.
      improved oxygen barrier                                            from multi-material designs   ‘The current global mar-
      layer that makes it possible                                       to mono-material polypro-
      to reduce the number of                                            pylene (PP).          ket situation necessitates
      packaging layers to protect                                         As mono-material packag-  that Sun Chemical pass
      dry foods from the environ-  Henkel & Panverta CPP develop film for good barrier performance  ing does not need to be sepa-  along a portion of these
      ment.                                                              rated into different   price increases to offset
        Dry food items such as   all these requirements usu-  Cakrakencana, one of the   components, the recycling   these challenges,’ said Chad
      flour, rice or pasta can   ally consist of several layers  leading film manufacturers   quality is increased while the   Steiner, president of North
                                                                         effort and cost of recycling is
      quickly spoil or lose flavor   of  different materials.   in Indonesia, has success-  reduced.   America packaging and
      when exposed to air, light   These composite materials   fully provided a packaging   From October 23 to 25,   graphics at Sun Chemical.
      or moisture. Packaging for   are often difficult to recycle  to improve the oxygen bar-  packaging manufacturers   ‘Sun Chemical will con-
      dry foods must therefore be  because they cannot be eas-  rier performance of metal-  and brand owners can see the   tinue to monitor dynamic
      airtight, light-proof and   ily separated, the company  lized cast polypropylene   results of this collaboration at   supply realities closely and
      moisture-proof. High-  said.  Henkel’s cooperation   (CPP) to less than 0.5 cc/  Henkel’s booth 1C17 at   give every effort to mitigate
      quality packaging that meet  w i t h  P T .  P a n v e r t a and CPP with alu-  Tokyo Pack 2024.  continued escalations.’
      Epson receives platinum rating                                     2024 Recoup Awards

      from EcoVadis                                                      winners announced

        Epson has earned a plati-                                         UK’s charitable independ-
      num rating for sustainability                                      ent authority on plastics recy-
      from EcoVadis. Epson’s latest                                      cling, Recoup have
      platinum rating places it in                                       announced the winners of
      the top 1 percent of all com-                                      this year’s awards. Taking
      panies and is a testament to                                       place the evening before the   2024 Recoup Awards
      its ongoing commitment and
      notable improvements                                               Recoup Conference, the   rewards for recycling their
      towards sustainable growth                                         awards generated interest   own-brand two and four-pint
      over the past year.                                                from across the plastics   milk bottles by using Polytags
        Epson has increased its                                          resources and recycling value   QR codes.
      overall score from 77 to 83   Joins the top 1% of all companies with a score of 83 out of 100  chain with strong entries   The winner of the second
      points out of 100. This inde-  mental care and social   important to note that the   received for all categories.   award for ‘Best Plastic
      pendent certification also   responsibility.   EcoVadis assessment criteria   Presented by Stuart Foster,   Product Development for
      assures customers that Epson   In the recent evaluation,   have become increasingly   CEO at Recoup, the first win-  Recyclability or Re-Use’ was
      is one of the most responsible   Epson achieved outstanding   stringent; this year, achiev-  ner announced was for the   presented to Berry Global for
      and accountable companies   rankings within its industry.          ‘Best Innovation in   its partnership with Abel &
      in its sector.                               ing a platinum medal   Equipment or Technology’
        EcoVadis, the  interna-  It was ranked among the top   required being in the top 1   award which was presented   Cole, a pioneer in sustainable
      tional ESG rating agency cov-  1 percent for both environ-  percent of all assessed com-  food delivery, to supply bot-
      ers more than 220 industry   ment and labor & human   panies.      to Polytag and Ocado Retail   tles for its Club Zero
      categories and evaluates over   rights and in the top 2 per-  Epson is making signifi-  for their ‘Rewards for   Refillable Milk delivery ser-
      130,000 companies across   cent for sustainable procure-  cant strides toward its 2050   Recycling’ initiative. This ini-  vice. The new polypropylene
      180 countries, assessing their   ment. Additionally, the   goal of becoming carbon-  tiative encourages recycling   bottles can be refilled up to
      operations and management   company ranked in the top   negative and underground   by giving Ocado customers   16 times before being recy-
      systems in terms of environ-  30 percent for ethics. It is   resource-free.  the opportunity to claim 20p   cled.                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 19
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