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Ndigitec expands to Saudi Arabia
Prepress and digital print- powered solutions that cater ‘Also, we are excited to
ing specialist Ndigitec has to diverse sectors including represent, an
expanded its operations into packaging, media and crea- online platform designed to
Saudi Arabia and will exhibit tive technologies.’
at Gulf Print & Pack 2025 in Explaining the technology make flexographic plate-
January. that Ndigitec will be exhibit- making accessible from any-
Established in the early where in the world. With
1990s as an IT-integrated ing at Gulf Print & Pack, we will
prepress and printing house 2025, Kavlakian said: ‘We extend our prepress and pre-
by CEO Vatche Kavlakian, will be showcasing our AIHI media services to an interna-
Ndigitec (Namma Int’l platform, a cutting-edge solu-
Digitec FZ LLC) has over the tion that integrates high-defi- tional audience.
years diversified into multi- Ndigitec will participate in Gulf Print & Pack 2025 in January nition technologies with over Additionally, building upon
ple graphic arts segments 30 years of human knowl- the success of Dubaiprint.
including signage, large for- Ndigitec is leading the growth in packaging and edge and expertise. The AIHI com, Ndigitec brings
mat printing and packaging. industry in bringing high- related sectors, restructur- platform represents the per- to the fore-
In an interview with Gulf quality solutions closer to ing under the new name fect synergy between artifi-
Print & Pack, Kavlakian said: the clients in Saudi Arabia. Nesma NDIGITEC Ltd. Co. cial intelligence (AI) and front, a dedicated platform
‘Ndigitec has set a new This expansion marks a key ‘Ndigitec was driven by the human intelligence (HI), crafted for users in Saudi
benchmark in prepress qual- milestone in advancing pre- ambitious Saudi Vision 2030, driving superior results Arabia. offers
ity using Esko’s latest tech- press technology and stand- which emphasized infra- instant order placement and
nologies, empowering ards across the GCC, Middle structure development, digi- across prepress, premedia personalized printing solu-
brands to achieve record East and globally.’ tal transformation and and digital printing services.’ tions, empowering users to
standards in print precision As with most other print industrial diversification. The AIHI platform com-
and efficiency. Driven by an houses, Ndigitec decided to This created many opportu- bines the latest hardware and manage their print needs on
unwavering commitment to expand into Saudi Arabia nities for companies like ours software technologies to the go with efficiency and
innovation and excellence, sensing the region’s rapid to offer advanced AI and HI automate complex tasks. ease.’
Saudi Arabia seeks sustainable print and packaging solutions
Article Written By tainability metrics will give a where sustainability bene-
Andrew Thomas-Emans direct competitive advan- fits include reduced waste
Sustainability is at the tage. This may be in overall and lower energy consump-
heart of the Kingdom’s waste reduction, elimina-
Vision 2030 program, creat- tion of solvent-based press- tion. Where conventional
ing major opportunities for printing continues to be
the print and packaging room chemicals, use of used, there should be a
industries. The Kingdom of sustainable printing materi- move to minimize solvents
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 als, a commitment to carbon
plan looks to substitute neutral production, engage- used in printing, processing
imports with domestic pro- ment with recycling proces- and cleaning.
duction across a vast swathe sors, or elimination of In package printing, there
of consumer and industrial Sustainability is at the heart of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 program non-recoverable/non-recy- is likely to be a clear prefer-
goods industries. But the clable printed or packaged
Kingdom wants to achieve sented in the $500 billion panies doing business in the products. Environmental ence for printing with
this ambitious goal by set- NEOM project to build a country? certification, for example LED-UV and with water-
ting new standards of sus- new kind of sustainable city. The first thing to say is based rather than solvent
tainable production and How will this impact the that any way a printer, con- ISO14000 and FSC/PEFC, inks. Where gravure is the
environmental stewardship. print and packaging indus- will be required. On the
This is true across all sectors tries, and what are the likely verter or packaging machin- commercial printing side, optimum print solution, tar-
of Saudi economy and soci- sustainability requirements ery supplier can we are seeing a clear prefer- gets should be set for reduc-
ety – perhaps best repre- for print and packaging com- demonstrate enhanced sus- ence for digital printing, ing solvent emissions to air.
10 PrintWeek MENA December 2024