P. 17


      Route 1 brings in EFI for wide-                                                          Koenig & Bauer
                                                                                               in revamp
      format refresh                                                                           ing its structure into two seg-
                                                                                                Koenig & Bauer is simplify-

                                                                                               ments, will dramatically slim
        Route 1 Print, the trade                                         track record, flexibility to   down its board, and has
      wing of Bluetree Group, has                                        meet our clients demands   recruited Heidelberg’s pack-
      overhauled its wide-format                                         and most importantly was   aging chief for a new senior
      department with a raft of kit                                      able to achieve the high   role.
      from EFI.                                                                                 The German press manu-
        Installing an EFI Vutek                                          quality expectations that we   facturer had flagged a “persis-
      Q3R roll-to-roll and H5                                            had set out,” he told   tently challenging market
      hybrid flatbed over late sum-                                      Printweek.            environment”  in  its  Q3
      mer and autumn 2024, the                                            “Brands like Amazon have
      company has now added a                                            set consumer expectations   results earlier this month.
      FabriVu 340i+ dye-sublima-                                         around turnaround times   Today  (29  November),
      tion printer to round out the                                                            CEO Dr Andreas Pleßke said
      company’s offering with   The 3.2m EFI Vutek H5 launched into action in late summer 2024  and now the majority of the   he had personally initiated
      flags and other textile appli-                                     work we now produce for   the changes, in close consul-
      cations.              really good fit.”      ing director Mark Young.  our resellers is sold on either   tation with the group’s super-
        “We’ve been really    The new machines have   “HP  Scitexes  proved  a   a same-day or next working   visory board.
      impressed with them. It’s   replaced Route 1’s previous   great platform for us, but the   day dispatch. The equip-  “The Group’s top priority
      been a big leap forward for   roster of two HP Scitex   technology has moved on   ment we’ve selected enables
      us,” said  James Kinsella,   FB11000s, which served the   and we need to invest to stay   us to offer a high level of   is to align itself with its cus-
      Bluetree Group co-CEO.  company well, themselves                                         tomers and markets and to
        “We typically do shorter   succeeding a previous gen-  at the front. When we were   product customisation while   streamline decision-making
      runs with a very fast turna-  eration of Scitex FB7600s,   looking at options the EFI  maintaining industry lead-  paths within its business
      round, and they’ve been a   according to Route 1 manag-  equipment had a proven   ing turnaround times.”  units,” he stated.
      Dayfold ups ante with wide-                                        Liyu reveals two new

      format wing                                                        partnerships

                                                                          Wide-format printer and
        Dorset creative print firm                                       cutter manufacturer Liyu has
      Dayfold has entered the                                            revealed new partnerships
      wide-format print market                                           with two major UK wide-for-
      with a new HP Latex-                                               mat kit dealers, Bromley-
      powered wide-format wing.                                          headquartered Perfect
      Opening up production                                              Colours and Atech in
      space in its 6,000 sqm                                             Welwyn Garden City.
      warehousing and office in                                           Only revealed publicly at
      late September, Dayfold                                            the end of November, the
      invested in an HP Latex   Entered the market with new HP Latex-powered wide-format wing  deals were signed in early
      R2000 hybrid printer and                                           September, making Atech   Deal with two new companies
      1.8m Summa F1832 flatbed   duce it. For such a signifi-  the major contract, Dayfold   and Perfect Colours the only
      cutter/router, taking up   cant contract, the company   has managed to fill up the   suppliers of the Turkish-  UK, and they needed to feel
      work on a £250,000 con-  decided to invest in its own   Latex’s remaining shifts by   designed Liyu kit to the UK   some sense of security and
      tract straight away.  kit rather than outsource   bringing existing out-  market outside of Liyu’s UK   support for the equipment
        “We have one particular   the work as it normally   sourced work in-house and   HQ near Ormskirk.
      customer that effectively   would have done.                        “In this very cautious   they are selling.
      opened the door for us,”   “We also wanted to be   appointing a new salesper-  industry, the fact that we’ve   Both Atech and Perfect
      explained Lee Carpenter,   able to supplement our   son to canvass existing cli-  managed to bring a relatively   Colours have been dubbed
      client engagement director   existing offering, including   ents for large-format work.  unheard-of brand into the   ‘premium  resellers’.
      at Dayfold.           rigid box making, litho and   The new wide-format busi-  UK and make a huge impact   “Premium resellers to us are
        He told Printweek that   digital print with large for-  ness is projected to turn over   feels very good,” Eddie   companies who have shown
      the longstanding customer   mat,” Carpenter told                   Tucker, managing director of
      had decided to buy retail   Printweek.       up to £500,000 per year,   Liyu UK told Printweek.  incredible customer care and
      signage, and asked Dayfold   With about half the pro-  with Carpenter aiming to   “Atech and Perfect   service to the industry,”
      if it might be able to pro-  duction week covered by   grow sales further.  Colours are big players in the   Tucker explained.                                                                  December 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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