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      Esko, Fiery and                                                    IN BRIEF

                                                                          All4Labels,  one of the
                                                                          world’s leading print and
      HanGlobal collaborate                                               packaging companies, has
                                                                          strengthened its partner-
                                                                          ship with Bobst by investing
                                                                          in a Bobst Novacut 106 and
                                                                          Bobst Expertcut with Power
        Esko and Fiery partnered                                          Register to power its global
      with HanGlobal/Hanlabel to                                          digital transformation.
      deliver a customized Digital                                        Guenther Weymans, All4Labels CEO, said: ‘As leaders in
      Front-End (DFE) for the                                             the realm of digital and sustainable packaging, we pri-
                                                                          oritize the use of digital technologies to refine our pro-
      LabStar series inkjet digital                                       cesses and respond to the changing preferences of con-
      label presses. This strategic                                       sumers. The integration of interconnectivity and auto-
      collaboration integrates                                            mation is essential for us to create the smart factories of
      Esko’s advanced color man-                                          the future, where sustainability and digital advancement
                                                                          coexist seamlessly.’ Bobst shares the same values and
      agement expertise, Fiery’s   Esko, Fiery and HanGlobal teams celebrate the new collaboration  commitment with the All4Labels Group to continuously
      innovative and powerful                                             improve workflows with the aim of enhancing commu-
      DFEs and HanGlobal/   Esko-Fiery products. This   of  Esko,  Fiery,  and   nication with customers, streamlining the supply chain,
      Hanlabel’s digital label print-  integration is said to   HanGlobal/Hanlabel, we are   and driving continuous development in quality and
                                                                          safety performance. Jens Nilsson, COO of All4Labels,
      ing technology. The compa-  empower label converters   delivering unprecedented   added: ‘We have made substantial investments in new
                                                   value to the label printing
      nies are addressing the   with superior automation,   industry. Our integrated   Bobst machines that greatly enhance our production
      evolving needs of label con-  color accuracy and connec-  solution enables converters   capacity, leading to improved workflows and overall effi-
      verters with an end-to-end   tivity, redefining efficiency   to achieve exceptional results   ciency on our production line. This upgrade is essential
                                                                          as we scale our operations to better meet larger order
      technology that streamlines   and performance in digital   faster and more efficiently   demands.
      production workflows,   label printing. Announcing   than ever before.’
      enhances color precision and   the collaboration on the first   John Henze at Fiery,   Irish converter Label Tech has
                                                                          taken steps to improve pro-
      accelerates time to market.  day  of  Labelexpo  South   added: ‘Fiery’s industry-lead-  ductivity by installing two
        The partnership’s center-  C hi na ,  Dr ie s  ing DFEs deliver exceptional   13-inch Mark Andy Evolution
      piece is the optimized com-  Vandenbussche, director of   image quality, including pre-  E5, 8-color presses equipped
      patibility between the   global  partner ecosystem   cise rendering of any object –   with full UV curing, unwind
                                                                          roll lifts and dual frame
      LabStar series digital label   development at Esko, said:   from barcodes to fine lines to   rewinds, die stations and
      presses and the combined   ‘By combining the strengths   text.      sheeting units with a con-
                                                                          veyor. Established in 1992 and managed by James Costello
      Fujifilm joins Women in Print                                       and Johnny Woods, Label Tech, now part of the Asteria
                                                                          Group, has built a reputation among its clients for deliver-
                                                                          ing high-quality, innovative self-adhesive labels.
      Alliance                                                            Operating from its 20,000sqft headquarters in Santry, close
                                                                          to Dublin’s international airport, the company has used its
                                                                          knowledge and expertise to serve industries as diverse as
                                                                          food, beverage, health, nutrition, pharmaceutical, trans-
        Fujifilm North America                                            port and logistics. To cope with such demanding work,
      Corporation’s Graphic                                               Label Tech began an investment program with Mark Andy
      Communication Division has                                          that now sees two Evolution E5 presses installed.
      formally joined the Women
      in Print Alliance, a member-                                        Sappi has partnered with
      ship initiative dedicated to                                        German converter Jungdruck
                                                                          to develop innovative mul-
      enhancing women’s access to                                         ti-layer wet-glue labels for
      opportunities within the                                            beverage bottles offering a
      print industry at all stages of                                     new range of options in
      their professional develop-                                         terms of product informa-
                                                                          tion and marketing. Multi-
      ment. Membership in the   Membership in the Women in Print Alliance has advantages  layer wet-glue labels are
      Women in Print Alliance   webinars, live and on-  ‘As a print industry leader,   part of the Jungdruck printing company's core business,
      offers numerous advantages.                                         but they have so far been used mainly in the chemical
      Key benefits include, but are   demand professional devel-  we’re excited to join this   and feed industries. At BrauBeviale 2024, Sappi and
      not limited to, exclusive invi-  opment workshops,   important organization not   Jungdruck presented a jointly developed multi-layer
                                                                          label for beverage bottles for the first time, which was
      tations to virtual and in-per-  participation in book chats   only as a show of support for   demonstrated using beer bottles. The first layer of the
      son events hosted by the   featuring bestselling, non-  the women on our team but   label can be folded up. The second layer contains more
      Women in Print Alliance;   fiction literature relevant to   for all women in this critical   information, in this case, a recipe for beer barbecue
      special event invitations and   women in the workplace;   industry,’ said Hidetoshi   sauce. The new multi-layer label offers beverage manu-
                                                                          facturers a range of options in terms of product informa-
      access to gatherings; exclu-  access to an exclusive profes-  ‘Toshi’ Kino, general man-  tion and marketing. For this innovation, Jungdruck used
      sive and elevated members-  sional network through a   ager of graphic communica-  the Parade Label WS Gloss label paper from Sappi, a
      only content; educational   comprehensive member   tion division at Fujifilm   leading manufacturer of packaging and specialty papers.
      opportunities, including   directory, and much more.  North America Corporation.
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