P. 15
Serendipity Software Heripack’s new
launches a new tool Friedheim International
has become the exclusive UK
distributor of German manu-
Serendipity Software has “chicken and egg” situation
launched a new tool to sup- if customers do not realise facturer Heripack’s portfolio
port RGB workflows for dig- that RGB workflows are an of automated boxing, packag-
ing and sealing machines.
ital printing, including spot option. “Big corporates have Signed at the end of
colours. The Australian November, the deal has
developer’s existing product understood it, but they are made Friedheim the first UK
range includes the probably still sending company to offer Heripack
Blackmagic colour manage- CMYK to the printer,” he kit, including the HVR500
ment system, Megarip RIP said. box void reduction machine,
software, and Veripress soft “Germany has adopted an which detects the filled
proofing system. The new RGB workflow already, and height of a box, then trims
RGB + Spot Colour Support have, as much as possible, and lids it to the correct
option is available for use Serendipity Software said a wide range of users could benefit height.
with the latest version of efficient workflows. with consistent, vibrant out- gone over the PDF/X-4. “We often find customers
Blackmagic and Veripress. Serendipity said that a wide comes, particularly in small Especially when you have approaching us for solutions
Serendipity outlined sev- range of users could benefit to medium print runs,” the the crossover between print because they know we have a
eral advantages in keeping including designers, adver- firm stated. and web, now, all their large portfolio,” Darren
files in RGB format until the tisers, labels and packaging Serendipity products are assets and PDFs are RGB Crane, managing director of
final printing process. printers, textiles and internally and then they are Hemel Hempstead-based
These include precise spot apparel, and more. available in the UK via auto- converting it to whatever Friedheim International told
colour handling for brand “Commercial and spe- mation and colour manage- Printweek. This latest portfo-
consistency, retaining the cialty printers offering digi- ment specialist Colour output they need,” he lio addition follows
RGB colour spectrum for tal printing services can also Engine, based in London. explained. A free trial of the Friedheim securing a distri-
“richer, more vibrant visu- leverage this technology to Director Malcolm software is available through bution deal with GUK com-
als”, and faster and more deliver high-quality results Mackenzie said it was a Colour Engine. pany.
Highcon and Hybrid PixFile introduces
Software collaborate new PDF Editor
PixFile has launched its
Highcon and Hybrid
Software have partnered to new PDF Editor, a tool
enhance digital die-cutting designed to streamline PDF
workflow efficiency.The two management, generate
companies said that the new print predictable files, and
collaboration would inte- increase productivity for
grate Hybrid’s Packz soft- users in the printing and
ware, which offers full PDF advertising industries. The
support, into Highcon’s digi- product, which was A tool for PDF management
tal die-cutting workflow launched on 19 November, erful features that enable
package (DWP). They said is designed primarily for effortless document han-
the partnership aimed to Partnership to enhance digital die-cutting workflow efficiency corporate customers and
deliver more streamlined die-cutting process. nership with Highcon is all creative professionals who dling without compromis-
processes, increased preci- By advancing artwork about empowering the pack- need to seamlessly transfer ing quality”.
sion and enhanced work- handling, high-quality pre- aging industry,” said Bert and share high-quality, PDF Editor has been spe-
flow integration to support views, and automated XML Van der Perre, chief com- print-ready files. cifically designed to meet
operators across production export capabilities, the two mercial officer at Hybrid PixFile, a brand of the demands of the printing
sites. At the core of the col- companies said the collabo- Software. “Finishing is a Austria-headquartered industry, and features
laboration is a custom- ration would enable packag- vital step in packaging pro- business PPD (PrePress native PDF editing that
designed version of the ing converters to seamlessly duction, and this collabora- digital – eliminates the need for for-
integrate Highcon’s digital
Packz engine for Highcon, products into their work- tion streamlines the Softwareentwicklung mat conversion, preserving
introducing a fully inte- flows, simplifying setup process, delivering greater GmbH), said PDF Editor file integrity and quality.
grated PDF workflow tai- while accelerating produc- efficiency and precision for features an intuitive, easy- It also features simpli-
lored for the digital tion timelines. “Our part- our customers.” to-use interface “with pow- fied, fast editing tools. December 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13