P. 19


      AFRA “thrilled” to participate in GPP

        AFRA  International                                              ble connections.      with fantastic embellish-
      DMCC has announced its                                              “We consistently find   ment’s solutions. Our pack-
      participation in the upcom-                                        GPP Dubai to be a highly   aging machine like folder
      ing Gulf Print & Pack 2025                                         productive event for gener-  gluers and die cutters would
      in Riyadh.                                                         ating leads and exploring   see next level AI POWERED
        Mohamed Azam Arabi,                                              new market opportunities.  upgrades, camera inspec-
      General Manager (West                                               “For the past 15 years, our
      Asia) of AFRA International                                        commitment to exceptional   tions, etc.”
      DMCC, told PrintWeek:                                              service has been the corner-  He concludes, “watch us
      “Anticipation is building as                                       stone of our success in Saudi   out on our new launches in
      we approach the show.  Our                                         Arabia.               to flexo printing,
      projections anticipate strong   “Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning economy presents big opportunities”  “We are thrilled to   Revolutionary cutting-edge
      interest and engagement                                            announce our strategic   technology, user friendli-
      from attendees.  We are par-  labels. We are confident that   connect for industry profes-  expansion plan, which   ness with great value for
                            our offerings will inspire and   sionals.
      ticularly enthusiastic about                                       includes offices with strong   money preposition.”
      the potential participation   impress, with LIVE DEMOS   “GPP UAE consistently   service support teams in all   Registration is now open
      of new investors., expanding   and EXPERTS on the stand.  delivers exceptional results   the major regions of the   for Gulf Print & Pack 2025,
      our reach to all allied indus-  “Saudi Arabia’s burgeon-  as a global platform.  Its   kingdom    This expansion   the Middle East’s leading
      tries across the region.   ing economy presents sig-  extensive reach attracts a   will allow us to serve our cli-
        “Our team is thrilled to   nificant opportunities.  The   diverse range of prospective   ents more effectively and   commercial print and pack-
      showcase cutting-edge   demand for printing and   clients from around the   efficiently, ensuring they   aging trade show for print-
      advancements in packaging   packaging solutions is rap-  world.  The show’s interna-  receive the highest level of   ers, machinery buyers and
      technology.  Join us to   idly increasing.  A dedicated  tional presence has signifi-  support. further solidifying   brand owners. To register,
      explore the future of packag-  trade show like GPP would   cantly expanded our   our presence in the region.  visit https://www.gulfprint-
      ing, digital finishing, and   provide a great platform to   network and fostered valua-  “We would be coming up

      “The Saudi Arabia Market is very dynamic”: Dennis Moll

        Digital press manufac-                                               evaluating the transition   GPP in UAE has proven to
      turer Ricoh will take part in                                      from Offset to Digital, we   be very powerful to support
      Gulf Print & Pack 2025.                                            are setting up a dedicated   the launch of our latest col-
      Explaining their plans,                                            zone where we will discuss   our production devices.
      Dennis Moll, Commercial                                            the capabilities of Pro Z75   (Pro C9500, Pro C7500 with
      Director, Ricoh Graphic                                            (B2 duplex Sheetfed  solu-  5th Color Station). As a
      Communications, Emerging                                           tions)                direct result, Ricoh has been
      Markets Group EMEA of                                               “The Saudi Arabia Market   growing Market share in all
      Ricoh International B.V.,                                          is very dynamic (as well as   production segments.”
      told PrintWeek:  “We are                                           the entire Middle East   Building  on  Saudi
      expecting visitors from the                                        Region). Our presence at   Arabia’s Vision 2030 initia-
      graphic arts industry and   “Our focus is set on the transition from Analog to Digital Printing”  Gulf Print and Pack enables   tive, Gulf Print & Pack 2025
      corporate organisations   sheet Production devices:   “Software automation and   us to have close conversa-  is set to bring new growth
      (including private business   Pro C9500, Pro C7500, and   Color Management are also   tions with prospects and   opportunities for the com-
      and governmental organisa-                                         strengthen the relationship   mercial print and packaging
      tions).  Our focus is set on   Pro C5300  (colour   presented live as it is a great   with our local business part-  industry in the Kingdom, as
      the transition from Analog   Production); Launch of Pro   opportunity  for  process   ners. We have some plans for   well  as  drive  demand  for
      to Digital Printing.   8400 series (Monochrome   improvement and more   the Saudi market that will be   automated packaging sys-
        “We will be demonstrat-  production) 1st public pres-  automation.  announced soon.    tems and sustainable pack-
      ing live during the event Cut   entation.      For commercial Printers   “The previous edition of   aging materials.

                                                                   December 2024 PrintWeek MENA 17
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