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      Ricoh reveals Hunkeler                                                                   Compass boosts
      Innovationdays plans                                                                     Finance has boosted its team
                                                                                                Compass Business
                                                                                               with two promotions and a
        With under three months                                           A new automation proto-  new  hire. The  Tonbridge
      to go until the return of the                                      col called Print Line and   firm’s core speciality is asset-
      biennial Hunkeler                                                  Finishing Interface (PLF-I)   based finance services for
      Innovationdays event in                                            will also be highlighted.   the print, packaging and
      Lucerne, Switzerland, Ricoh                                        Ricoh said this is an open   engineering sectors.
      has outlined its plans for the                                     source interface that “ena-  Long-serving finance spe-
      event.                                                             bles a step change in com-  cialist Kellie Franklin, who
        At Hall 2, stand P6 at the                                       munication between    is approaching 12 years at
      Lucerne Exhibition Centre                                          web-fed printers such as the   the company, has been pro-
      from 24 to 27 February, the   Ricoh is a Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025 Premium Partner  Pro VC80000 and pre- and   moted to head up the office-
      manufacturer said it will                                                                based team of business
      show its high-speed inkjet   fies and automates many   press, provides data driven   post-processing equipment,   development executives.
      and sheetfed production   steps in short-run digital   insights into device utilisa-  resulting in enhanced auto-  Multi-talented Franklin also
      portfolio, represented by the   production,  and  tion and operator productiv-  mation”.
      Pro VC80000, Pro      ProcessDirector, which cap-  ity. By using AI and machine   The  Ricoh  Auto  Color   runs a successful baking
      VC40000, and Pro C9500   tures, transforms and man-  learning capabilities, pro-  Adjuster, provides easy, fast   business, and often shares
      printers, as well as an inter-  ages production information   cesses and operations are   and accurate colour man-  her yummy creations with
      active presentation of the   and print processes with   monitored to help optimise   agement capabilities and   colleagues. “Compass is a
      Pro Z75 B2 inkjet press.  precise tracking. Ricoh   hardware uptime and   ensures consistency from   friendly and dynamic work-
        Software on show will   Predictive Insight, first   throughput while minimis-  system to system and job to   place,” she said.
      include Ricoh’s TotalFlow   introduced  on  the  Pro   ing maintenance interrup-  job, will also be demon-  “We balance hard work
      BatchBuilder, which simpli-  VC80000 high-speed inkjet   tions.    strated.              with camaraderie.”
      IGS launches new single-pass  Koenig & Bauer and

      printer                                                            Actega renew deal

        International Graphic                                             The development partner-
      Supplies (IGS) has launched                                        ship between Koenig &
      a new single-pass inkjet                                           Bauer and Actega will con-
      printer aimed at the short to                                      tinue into the future after
      medium-run packaging and                                           the two companies agreed to
      POS market. The Cobalt SP                                          extend their partnership for
      800 has been developed and                                         another three years.
      built in collaboration with                                         The extension of the rela-
      the Monmouthshire-based                                            tionship, which already
      machinery supplier’s   The Cobalt SP 800 is priced at £49,000      stretches back over eight   The development partnership
      Chinese partner for wide-                                          years, took place with effect
      format and label printers,   design.         rigid,  flexible, and precut   from 1 November following   of trade shows, user events,
                                                   substrates is via belts which
      Antel Holding based in   The printer colour set is   are assisted by a vacuum sys-  discussions during a meet-  and print demonstrations, as
      Guangzhou.            CMYK,  using  fast-drying,   tem to keep the media in   ing at Drupa earlier this   well as the production of
        There are three resolutions   water-based ink that IGS said   place throughout the feed-in,  year.  print samples.
      with printing speeds up to   is environmentally friendly   imaging and output stages,   As in the past, a signifi-  The two companies said
      32m/min at 1,200x300dpi,   and waterproof immediately   and further complemented   cant focus will be placed on   that  many of  the  agreed
      16m/min at 1,200x600 dpi,   after printing, giving “out-  by a cleaner/ioniser to   the provision of inline coat-  activities and measures
      and    8m/min     at  standing print receptivity   remove dust that might clog   ing starter kits for all new   aimed to provide direct ben-
      1,200x1,200dpi. The print-  and ink adhesion”. The ink   printheads from the sub-        efits for the users.Actega
      ing width is 800mm and the   has food contact compliance,   strate before it passes under  Rapida presses.
                                                   the printheads. The infrared
      maximum media height is   making it suitable for food   sensors built into the Cobalt   The agreement also covers   coatings are also constantly
      200mm. An HP FI1000   packaging such as pizza   SP 800 are said to ensure   quality assurance, joint R&D   in use in the press demo cen-
      inkjet printhead is used to   boxes, bagasse clam shell   “exceptional accuracy” no   initiatives and combined   tre operated by Koenig &
      achieve the quality and pro-  boxes, and napkins.   matter what the size or  marketing activities, such as   Bauer and are presented dur-
      ductivity in a single-pass   Media transport for both   shape.     presentations in the context   ing customer events.
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