P. 18
Fujifilm Middle East’s GPP plans
Building on Saudi Arabia’s region gives an added oppor- will help us catapult our-
Vision 2030 initiative, Gulf tunity for other countries to selves into the future.”
Print & Pack 2025 is set to visit the country and experi- He adds: “Fujifilm Print
bring new growth opportu- ence the exhibition in a will showcase the entire
nities for the commercial much different setting than print-on-demand product
print and packaging indus- they are used to. Fujifilm is lineup and our A3 colour
try in the Kingdom. planning to grow and sup- printer in the show. We
Sabarish Ramanunni, port the Saudi Arabian mar- have a new series of mid-
Graphics Communication ket on a large scale. range products, which we
Division Manager at Unfortunately will not be will be showcasing and
Fujifilm Middle East, told able to comment on the launching during the event.
PrintWeek: “Saudi Arabia is details as this is still under We will also have technol-
a very important market for “Saudi Arabia is a very important market for Fujifilm Middle East” consideration with the man- ogy demos for our premier
Fujifilm Middle East. With agement team. products Jetpress 750 and
the new interest in Saudi theme of Discover the which will be a perfect fit for “Fujifilm Middle East has Jetpress FP790.On the off-
Arabia, the expected growth Difference for this show as our plans to introduce and not participated in GPP for set side, which Fujifilm is
rate, and the vision of the well. We plan to showcase show our strength in the quite some time now. The already known for, we will
KSA administration, we our entire lineup of the new direction which markets, opportunities and showcase our ZX plates,
expect that this will create a Revoria Brand products. Fujifilm want to lead. expectations have changed which are truly priceless
conducive environment for There is a completely new “A localised show for the completely, and so have and help the industry to be
the print market as well. range of mid-range produc- biggest market in the region Fujifilm and our portfolio. one step closer to achieving
GPP will be the perfect tion presses which will be is a great idea. I believe this On a more philosophical its sustainability goals. In
opportunity to showcase the launched commercially in will be very helpful in the note, the world is a different the packaging segment, we
new Fujifilm Vision to the the region during the show. longrun to cater to this spe- place in the post-Covid era. will introduce our new
market. Hence, we are going We are expecting great par- cific market. Understanding Rather than looking into the range of inks, water-washa-
on to showcase our new ticipation from other coun- the political and religious past I would like to look for- ble flexo plates and our
product lineup with the tries as well for the show, importance of KSA in the ward to how this exhibition smart curing systems.”
“The prospects for GPP in Saudi Arabia are promising”
Gulf Print & Pack 2025 nerships with local distribu- ogy providers with local
takes place for the first time tors to address specific businesses seeking innova-
in the Kingdom of Saudi market needs. Additionally, tive solutions. The previous
Arabia at Riyadh Front we are curating a team of GPP editions in the UAE
Exhibition Conference experts to engage with visi-
Center from 14 – 16 January tors, providing personalized provided us with a platform
2025. Kazim Mankani, insights and consultations. to connect with a diverse
Regional Business Manager “The prospects for GPP in audience, including deci-
of Konica Minolta, told Saudi Arabia are promising, sion-makers from various
PrintWeek: “GPP 2025 in sectors. These events
Saudi Arabia presents an as the Kingdom is emerging allowed us to introduce
incredible opportunity to as a regional hub for
engage directly with one of “GPP 2025 in Saudi Arabia presents an incredible opportunity” advanced industries, includ- groundbreaking products,
the fastest-growing markets ing print and packaging. forge new partnerships, and
in the region. Saudi Arabia’s This event allows us to show- to ensure a strong impact at With the rising demand for strengthen existing ones.
Vision 2030 initiative has case our cutting-edge tech- the debut edition of GPP in sustainable and high-quality The insights gained from
accelerated investments in nologies and connect with Saudi Arabia. Our prepara- print solutions driven by customer interactions and
infrastructure, technology, key stakeholders, helping us tions include live demon- industry trends at these edi-
and sustainable solutions, contribute to the transfor- strations of our latest economic diversification
creating a fertile ground for mation of this dynamic mar- printing solutions, interac- and rapid urbanization, GPP tions have been instrumen-
innovations in the printing ket. We are meticulously tive sessions to highlight is set to play a pivotal role in tal in refining our offerings
and packaging industries. planning our participation their applications, and part- connecting global technol- for the Saudi market.”
16 PrintWeek MENA December 2024