P. 13
GPP Riyadh: Ricoh sets Zeejprint
expects growth
sustainability targets Zeejprint expects growth
in smart packaging solutions
including QR codes, NFC
Digital press manufacturer Goals (SDGs) and the Paris
Ricoh will be highlighting its agreement,’ says Dennis tags and AR.Zeejprint is one
sheetfed toner-based produc- Moll. ‘Our environmental of the biggest printers in
Saudi Arabia, with 17 pro-
tion devices at Gulf Print & efforts include creating a cir- duction locations across the
Pack 2025, including the Pro cular economy. In 1994, we Kingdom.
C9500 series, Pro C7500 developed the Comet Ahmed Siddiqui, CEO,
series Pro C5300 series and said: ‘Thanks in part to the
the Pro 8400 series. In an Circle™ – our blueprint for a government’s efforts to mod-
interview with Gulf Print & Ricoh will highlight its sheetfed toner-based production devices truly sustainable business. ernize various sectors, espe-
Pack, Denis Moll - This guides activity across cially in the context of Vision
Commercial Director EMEA since personalization is the media. Bespoke branding our entire supply chain and 2030, Saudi Arabia is rapidly
at Ricoh International current and future trend, can be accomplished with sil- sets out how all raw materials catching up in adopting digi-
explained: ‘Our Auto Color Moll replied: ‘Ricoh offers ver on labels, neon pink and are used, re-used, remanufac- tal technologies. There is also
Adjuster is a must-see solu- the Pro C7500 series which yellow toners can create tured or recycled. As a con- increased interest in eco-
tion for anyone looking to provides a full set of embel- impact, or blending CMYK crete example, Ricoh Pro friendly printing solutions,
improve their color-match- lishment capabilities with with gold or silver toners can 8400 series set new stand- driving innovation in both
ing capabilities and results. the 5th station. This 5th sta- produce an incredible range ards for sustainability. digital and offset segments.
Customers will also have the tion enables customer to of metallic hues. We also see Saudi Arabia has a large mar-
opportunity to discuss the print CMYK with speciality a growing demand in short Diverting waste from landfill, ket for both digital and offset
potential for high volume toner colors. If clear toner is run packaging for personali- they are manufactured using printing due to the size of its
inkjet systems at the exhibi- added to images and logos, it zation.’ 25% post-consumer recycled population. However, digital
tion.’ can create unique patterns ‘Ricoh has set clear sus- plastic and 33% electric recy- printing is growing as the
When questioned about for luxury effects, or dra- tainability targets that align cled steel. In addition, plastic market diversifies and busi-
increasing their presence in matic effects can be created to the United Nations packaging has been reduced nesses increasingly look for
the embellishment markets, with white toner on dark Sustainable Development by 50%.” flexibility.’
ARMOR-IIMAK’s range of SISTRADE launches
thermal transfer ribbons smart platform
ARMOR-IIMAK, a world SISTRADE announces its
leader in the production of participation in Gulf Print &
inked consumables for ther- Pack Saudi 2025, and will
mal transfer printers will officially unveil its Smart
showcase their comprehen- Packaging 4.0 Platform, an
sive range of thermal trans- advanced solution designed
fer ribbons at Gulf Print & to streamline the packaging
Pack 2025. These thermal production process. Smart Packaging 4.0 Platform
transfer ribbons meet 99% This cutting-edge platform
of marking demands in the integrates successfully with • Cloud-First Capabilities:
industry. This includes the Its comprehensive range of thermal transfer ribbons IoT devices and production Robust and secure cloud
company’s inkanto range of equipment. access for any time, any-
branded thermal transfer Dubai, and appointed Rahul for Gulf Print & Pack 2025, where management.
ribbons, which combine Bhavsar as the Senior Sales the Middle East’s leading Visitors to the Sistrade Visit Sistrade at stand I3
quality, security, simplicity Manager for the Middle commercial print and pack- booth will also experi- and discover how they are
and longevity. All ribbons East, who is well-known and aging trade show for printers, ence: transforming the printing
are produced in their world- experienced in printing machinery buyers and brand • AI-driven Scheduling: and packaging industry with
class manufacturing facili- technologies within the Optimized production smarter, faster, and greener
ties, which carry ISO region. He will be present at owners. This edition takes schedules to maximize
quality, environment and the ARMOR-IIMAK stand place for the first time in the throughput. solutions. Registration is
occupational health and at Gulf Print & Pack 2025 to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at • Customizable Dashboards: now open for Gulf Print &
safety certifications. meet existing and potential Riyadh Front Exhibition Instant access to KPIs tai- Pack 2025. To register, visit
ARMOR-IIMAK recently customers. Conference Center (RFECC) lored for specific opera- https://www.gulfprintpack.
opened a sales office in Registration is now open from 14 – 16 January. tional needs. com/riyadh/ December 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11