P. 16


                                                                                               UPM Raflatac to
      Metsä Board releases QR Code  close plant

      with recycling info                                                                      to permanently close its
                                                                                                UPM Raflatac has decided
                                                                                               Kaltenkirchen production
                                                                                               facility in northern Germany.
        Met sä B oa rd h a s                                             seamless and straightfor-  The closure will be imple-
      launched a new solution to                                         ward as possible for our cus-  mented in stages during
      enhance and simplify the                                           tomers. This initiative will   2025, the company said. The
      recycling process for pack-                                        not only save them time, but   number  of employees
      aging materials customers                                          it will also ensure that the   affected is 154.
      receive as part of Metsä                                           materials used in our deliv-  Production  at
      Board product deliveries —                                         eries are recycled in an opti-  Kaltenkirchen involves the
                                                                                               coating of pressure sensitive
      QR codes on the pallet and                                         mal way.”             filmic labelstock and
      reel labels of its products for                                     The new initiative is part   Viscom/Graphics materials.
      all volumes delivered to its                                       of Metsä Board’s ongoing   The facility became part of
      customers. The QR code   Metsä Board has introduced QR codes on the pallet & reel labels   strategic commitment to   UPM Raflatac in September
      directs customers to an intu-                                      sustainability and innova-  of 2022 with the acquisition
      itive app that provides   and clear recycling informa-  economy loop. “The imple-        of Advanced Methods of
      detailed information on the   tion, the company aims to   mentation of the new recy-  tion in its operations. The   Coating (AMC AG), a
      various packaging materials   make it as easy as possible   cling QR codes on our   company invites all custom-  Germany-based  company.
      used to protect the paper-  for customers to sort and   paperboard deliveries stems   ers to take advantage of this   The label material produc-
      board during the logistics   recycle all the materials   from a strong commitment   new feature and contribute   tion of the factory will be
      chain. This information will   they receive with the prod-  to sustainability and cus-  to promoting efficient recy-  transferred  to  UPM
      assist customers in deter-  uct deliveries. In addition,   tomer convenience,” says   cling practices within the   Raflatac’s factories in Poland
      mining how each compo-  customers will be able to   Isto Hongisto, Product   packaging industry.   and Finland. The production
      nent of the  delivery’s   reduce the amount of waste   Safety Specialist at Metsä   The QR codes have been   of graphics solutions will be
      packaging should be recy-  sent to landfills and ensure   Board.  “Recycling can   visible on all paperboard   transferred  to  UPM
      cled.                 the materials are recycled as   sometimes be complex, and   deliveries as of November   Raflatac’s factory in Belgium
        By providing accessible   part of the local circular   our goal is to make it as   2024.  in 2025.
      Green Bay Packaging                                                Ahlstrom’s recyclable

      announces major investment                                         tape backing

        Green Bay Packaging                                               Ahlstrom has launched
      (GBP) is pleased to announce                                       MasterTape® Cristal, a
      a substantial investment in                                        paper-based transparent
      the modernization of its                                           tape backing to reduce plas-
      Arkansas Kraft paper mill in                                       tic waste and promote a
      Morrilton, Arkansas. This                                          more sustainable future.
                                                                          According to the com-
      multi-year project signifi-                                        pany, around 80% of the
      cantly enhances the mill’s                                         PSA (pressure-sensitive
      infrastructure and under-                                                                MasterTape® Cristal
      scores the company’s com-                                          adhesive) packaging tape   that previously was not
      mitment to sustainable                                             used in the world today is   achieved for transparent
      practices and operational                                          made of plastic. Ahlstrom’s   materials,” said Sebastien
                                                                         MasterTape Cristal is ideal
      efficiency.           Investment includes vital replacements of key components  for a wide range of applica-
        GBP’s Arkansas Kraft   nents, including the recovery   The project also includes   tions and offers similar   Ferrari, Product Manager at
      Division is a fully integrated   boiler and biomass boiler         strength and transparency   Ahlstrom’s Tape business.
      pulp and containerboard   infrastructure. Additionally,   the acquisition of approxi-  as traditional plastic tape.   “MasterTape Cristal is a
      mill utilizing a sustainable                 mately 300 acres of land for   This innovative tape-back-  great example of a solution
      combination of virgin fiber   GBP is set to install an elec-  future investments and   ing solution is also recycla-  that we have developed in
      and recycled fiber to produce   tric turbine generator — an   expansion, positioning the   ble1  and  suitable  for   cooperation with our cus-
      high quality kraft linerboard   integral element of  the   mill for the long term.Green   compostability.  tomers to help them address
      and corrugating medium.  decarbonization strategy                   “We  have  developed a   the challenge of reducing
        The investment will   that will substantially reduce   Bay Packaging Inc. is a fam-  breakthrough product that   overall climate impact and
      encompass vital replace-  Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse   ily-owned, vertically inte-  enables the transition from   more specifically Scope 3
      ments of key process compo-  gas emissions.  grated company.       plastic to paper, something   emissions.”

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